Numerology of name, surname and patronymic

According to numerology, the surname bears the memory of ancestors, the energy of the father's kind. This energy, of course, has its influence on your modern life, because nothing happens in life like that, and if you were called by some specific name, then it's fate.

We will consider the numerology of the name, surname and patronymic, or, as the professionals call it, the number of destiny.

Impact on our lives

Your date of birth and, accordingly, the numerological number of births speak about the inborn data - karma, the experience with which you came into this life, in this body, will tell about the real cycle of spiritual growth, about what kind of traits you were born with. While the numerology of a name indicates how you develop your data, skills and abilities at the present time. That is, how to use the potential explained in the calculation of the number of births.

What to take into account?

The value of a surname, a name and a patronymic is important, first of all, for business people who use all three components of their name around the clock. You are called by patronymic? Then consider and patronymic!

If we are talking about a child, we should not consider his patronymic, because since this name is not used yet, it is not pronounced, the letters (respectively, the numbers) do not vibrate and do not have more influence on his life.

Let's say you are called a certain nickname - friends are one, parents are different, then you should definitely count and its number. After all, the names that are pronounced vibrate and give a signal to the universe.

Number of name and date of birth

In numerology it is considered that if the value of the surname, name and patronymic, that is, the resulting figure, exceeds the birth number, then you are a determined and strong-willed person who constantly learns new things and overcomes difficulties. And if the number of births is greater, this indicates that you develop only those abilities that nature has so gifted you since birth.


We first give a description of the meaning of the numbers of fate, and then the simplest scheme for calculating the numerology of the name, last name of the patronymic.

Calculating the number of names

In order to calculate the number of the full name, you must write your full name, surname and patronymic and change the letters into numbers according to the following scheme:

Example: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

1 + 3 + 1 + 6 + 7 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 + 7 + 3 + 1 + 7 = 61

Simplify - 6 + 1 = 7

"7" is the resulting number of full names.