Recipe for Mojito with vodka

The Mojito cocktail has become popular in the US since the 1980s. Currently, Mojito is known in many countries of the world, including Russia. Initially, the origin of this drink (Mojito, Spanish) is Cuban, there it was prepared on the basis of light rum and mint leaves.

Recipe "Mojito" was coined in a small cafe-restaurant "La Bodeguita del Medio" ("La Bodeguita del Medio") in the center of Havana. This cult institution in the colonial style, founded by the Martinez family in 1942, was visited by many very famous personalities, including Ernest Hemingway.

The classic alcoholic version of Mojito is made up of six ingredients: light rum, carbonated water, sugar, ice, lime and mint (several drops of Angostura are sometimes added to Havana). The composition of slightly sweetish taste and sharp refreshing citrus notes with a strong mint tone make Mojito one of the most popular beverages for the warm season. Recently in preparation "Mojito" instead of sugar and carbonated water use various sweet effervescent drinks such as Sprite, it turns out not bad, but it should be noted that this option can not be considered classic.

There are several versions about the origin of the name "Mojito". According to one of them, the name is from the Spanish word Mojo (mojito is a diminutive), which means a sauce popular in Cuba and the Canaries. Usually this sauce contains ingredients such as vegetable oil, pepper, lemon juice, garlic and greens.

According to another version, the name "Mojito" comes from the changed word Mohadito (Mojadito, diminutive of mojado, Spanish), which means "slightly damp".

The classic composition of the Mojito cocktail



If you add "Angostura" - 2-5 drops. Usually served in a tall glass (300 ml) with a tube. It is decorated with a thin circle of lime and a sprig of mint.

In the so-called "Russian Mojito", rum is replaced with vodka, which is not surprising, since vodka is a more familiar and popular drink than rum.

Fans of this cocktail will argue that with vodka this is not "Mojito" at all, but it turns out delicious, so we will consider such recipes as possible interpretations.

Consider how to make an alcoholic "Mojito" with vodka. Of course, we use the usual high-quality classic vodka with a neutral taste.

Recipe for cocktail "Mojito" with vodka



Put sugar in the glass. Let's add vodka and lime juice. Stir until the sugar dissolves. We put in a glass of mint leaves. Add ice and lard with carbonated water (the volume can vary). Decorate the edge of the glass with a lobed lime and a small sprig of mint. We serve with a straw.

Mojito with vodka and Sprite


We put in a glass of mint leaves. Pour the vodka, top the ice and add Sprite.

This drink is quite tricky, because it contains a sweetener and other, to put it mildly, additives that are not useful for the human body. In addition to all other possible unpleasant consequences from drinking, the composition of such Sprite, thirst increases, which provokes repeated use. This variant of "Mojito" is absolutely inappropriate for people suffering from asthma or allergies, and healthy people should not get too involved.

Fans of this drink will also have to taste other options for cocktails with vodka , which are easy to prepare.