How to pickle bacon?

Salo is a simple and affordable product. There are a lot of options for its use. We'll tell you now how to pickle bacon.

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Fat is cut into small pieces. Pour the husks with cold water, pour in the same salt, bay leaf and bring everything to a boil. In the resulting brine we lower the pieces of bacon and cook it until soft, and then turn off the fire and leave it in the brine until it cools. Salo is salted exactly as much as necessary, it can not be salted. Slices of garlic is cut into plates. In the cooled fat we make cuts and fill them with garlic plates. We pile the pieces in spices, wrap them in foil and store them in the refrigerator.

How to pickle bacon in brine with garlic?



In the saucepan, pour in salt, pour in water and stir until the crystals dissolve. Then the solution is turned off and cooled. Cut the fat into pieces, put it in a 3-liter jar. Each layer of fat is peppered with black pepper, put the laurel leaves and garlic cloves. Fill the bacon with brine and leave it at room temperature for a week.

How to pickle the boiled fat?



In the pot, pour in water, add salt and sweet pepper. On a strong fire, bring the brine to a boil. In the meantime, we prepare lard - cut it with oblong pieces. A pork subclavian is very suitable for this recipe. When the brine boils, we immerse in it pieces of fat, it must be completely immersed in the liquid. Reduce fire and cook lard for about an hour. Minutes 15 before the end of the process, add the bay leaf. Garlic turn into a gruel, add coriander, mustard seeds, sesame, paprika, red pepper and rub it all to a homogeneous mass. Hot lard rubs the resulting mixture, then place it in a container, cover it with a lid and watch after 2 it will be completely ready.

How quickly to pickle bacon?



Salo cut into pieces, we make cuts in them to the skin, we spin garlic. We rub the pieces with salt and spices and place in glass or enamel ware. We put fat in a cool place, and in 3 days it will be completely ready.

How quickly to pickle the fat hot way?



Salo cut into pieces, put it in a jar, layer it with garlic cloves and pour salt and seasonings. Fill all this with boiling water and close the jar with a cap cap. Once the liquid has cooled, the fat will be completely ready for use.

How to pickle bacon with a layer?



Garlic is cut into plates, we make cuts in the fat and insert garlic in them. Each piece of fat is rubbed with a mixture of salt and spices. At the bottom of the banks we pour a mixture of salt and spices. We put the pieces of lard skin with the skin down, and put the top layer on the skin upwards. We cover the jar with lard napkin. Day 2, let the fat stand at room temperature, and then we remove it in the refrigerator.