Interruption of pregnancy at week 22

Undoubtedly, in most cases, unwanted pregnancies are interrupted in the early stages. First, abortion done before 12 weeks is considered safer and has a much lower probability of possible complications, because the organs and systems of the embryo are not yet formed, its size is insignificant, the hormonal background of the woman has not changed too much. In addition, a woman, reaching this time, is already uniquely aware of her interesting situation. Accordingly, she had time to make a decision on the preservation of pregnancy and the birth of a child.

So why are there situations where abortion is done at 5 months of pregnancy, that is, at week 22?

Abortion after 5 months

It is known that in our country a woman has the right to interrupt an unplanned pregnancy at her own will in early terms, more precisely to 12 weeks, while abortion at 22 weeks is done exclusively for medical reasons.

As a rule, the decision is made about the termination of pregnancy on medical grounds at a medical consultation with the consent of the patient. The reasons for an abortion for a period of 5 months can be:

In addition to medical indications, termination of pregnancy at week 22 can be carried out for social reasons, for example, a sharp change in social status or financial situation, loss of housing, etc.

To interrupt pregnancy at this time, a salt abortion is used , the essence of which is the introduction of saline into the amniotic fluid, resulting in the fetus dying, and after a short period of time labor begins. Also late in life, interruption of pregnancy is indicated by intravenous injection of special drugs that stimulate labor. Or, an operation of caesarean section is performed.

Abortion at this stage is highly undesirable, since a child can be born already viable, and such a procedure would be tantamount to killing an infant.

In any case, interruption of pregnancy for 22 weeks, rarely occurs at the request of the mother and is a great psychological trauma for a woman.