Mamenkin's son - signs

All women subconsciously are looking for a "prince", so men's shortcomings make us extremely upset. But nothing so annoying as a man - " Mama's son ." These his constant mentions of the mother simply make you angry, a feeling that she is invisibly present in all episodes of your life, even the most intimate ones. Many girls can not stand the syndrome of their mother's mama's son and drop him. In principle, they are right, it is almost impossible to change such a man, so it is better to learn the signs of a mama's son so as not to suffer from unpromising relationships.

Mama's son: signs

  1. The main feature of all such men - infantility , unwillingness to grow up. This is not manifested in the desire to play radio-controlled cars, different "non-serious" hobbies can be the satellites of successful men. By the way, with a career under the influence of my mother, too, everything can be in order. The point is that the psychology of the man's mother does not allow him to make his own decisions, he can not solve anything without the weighty word of his mother, and he does not want to leave from under her wing. Therefore, the creation of his family does not bother him at all, he simply does not want to incur unnecessary obligations.
  2. For such men, mom is an ideal, but he does not just love her, but considers her opinion to be the only true one, because she taught him so. His mother believes that she should take the most direct part in the life of her son, and he will gladly allow it. At first it might look like an innocent caring, and then a loving mother almost on your romantic dates is present. And if the mother decides that the girl his son is not a couple, she will do everything to make this relationship run out as quickly as possible.
  3. It is curious that men categorically refuse to consider their behavior as strange. Therefore, the question of how to stop being a mama's son, they do not care at all.
  4. An alarm sign can be considered if your young man, on any whim of his mother, runs away from your dates.
  5. Mama's sons really are afraid of women, after all, their mother told them that girls, especially those from other cities, are only looking for someone to deceive. And in general, it is necessary to get married on the one that my mother chooses.
  6. Cardinal changes in life frighten such men, they will struggle to such changes, especially if they are not sanctioned by the mother.

How not to raise a mama's son?

It is obvious that the mamenki's sons do not appear out of nowhere, so their mothers do. The most horrible thing is that by their excessive care they break life and themselves, and their sons, forcing the girls to throw them, noticing the signs of the mother's son. In order not to raise such a man, it is necessary to stop his attempts to unduly restrict the freedom of action of his son. Yes, and prohibiting anything, you need to explain the reason, and not just to press your authority. Do not take all the work for yourself, teach you to help your son from the very beginning. Instead of scolding for mistakes "to remember", gently point at them. Do not make decisions for your son, live something for him, and leave the idea that you know exactly how best. Worst of all, people living under the influence of up to 20 years, lose the ability to think independently. That is why all the reflections about how to stop being a mama's son turn out to be useless, as an adult man simply does not know how to be different, and it is practically impossible to learn this.