How to simulate an orgasm?

If you believe the saying that every woman has something from the actress, then the imitation of orgasm is one of the most common roles of the first plan. Let's figure out why women imitate orgasm, and how to properly simulate enjoyment, if the bed scene for some reason did not meet your expectations.

Why do women pretend to orgasm?

There is no unequivocal answer to this question, because the reasons why women imitate orgasm are quite a lot, and they are often quite normal:

How correctly to imitate an orgasm?

So, in order to understand how best to simulate an orgasm, let's find out its main features. Note that sometimes they are mutually exclusive, so choose the tricks that are characteristic of your temperament.

  1. As a rule, sexual dysfunction is preceded by rapid breathing. Breathe with your mouth - it's sexy and it can quite lead to your own excitement (and there, what the hell is not joking, and further orgasm).
  2. Some women need to fully concentrate on their feelings, while they freeze and, accordingly, their breathing can be ascertained only with the help of a mirror. In that case, the final small tremor in the body will be quite convincing. You can throw back your head, squeeze the edge of the sheet in your hand, bend and stiffen in tension.
  3. Rapid movements of the hips, loud groans, scratching the back - in the best traditions of Hollywood movies. This action suits temperamental women, and if the described continued the entire sexual intercourse, then before the ending just add the volume.
  4. For a convincing simulation of orgasm, ask the partner for any action. Suitable phrases: "do not stop, please," "squeeze my chest," "slap me", etc. More timid girls will come up with something like an impatient "well ..., come on."
  5. Wandering look and sharp contractions of the muscles of the vagina - the final touch of imitation of orgasm. At the last many well-read men just pay attention, so be sure to squeeze his penis inside in addition to previous manipulations.

The main advice number 1: if a man has already witnessed this orgasm, the best imitation will be "the repetition of the material passed." Do not scratch the back of a loved one in a feigned passion, if before that you quietly froze, reduced by a spasm of pleasure. This rule also applies if, in the future, you plan not to engage in simulating an orgasm with a given partner, but to experience real emotions.

Main Board number 2: do not play the game if the man with whom you are in bed does unpleasant things. If the girl imitates an orgasm, she should be aware that thereby encourages the actions of the partner, and next time she should wait for the repetition of an unpleasant scenario.

But we still hope that these councils will remain unclaimed due to real orgasms!