Mastopathy - symptoms

Fibrous-cystic mastopathy is a benign change in the tissues of the mammary gland, which is accompanied by stromal fibrosis, hyperplasia, the formation of cysts and nodal seals. Symptoms of fibrocystic mastopathy occur in almost every third woman of reproductive age. The main causes of mastopathy are stress, hormonal disorders, diseases of the genitals, breast trauma, refusal to breast-feed. For successful treatment, a complex approach is needed, in which the causes of mastopathy are eliminated and damaged tissues and functions of the mammary gland are restored in parallel.

The causes of mastopathy have been studied quite well to date, which allows to cure the disease in a short time. If the symptoms of fibrous or cystic mastopathy have been ignored for a long time, the disease can go into more complex forms, therefore, it will complicate the treatment. The main factor affecting the duration and success of treatment is the timely access to a specialist for diagnosing mastopathy and determining the tactics of treatment. If the disease is started, then the treatment may require and surgical intervention to remove damaged tissue, and in some cases, the breast. Therefore, it is very important, when signs appear, to start treatment of mastopathy immediately.

Signs of fibrocystic mastopathy

Symptoms of fibrotic mastopathy can be mild, and for a long time do not cause anxiety, but first of all breast pains chest. Such pain can be of different intensity, blunt or acute. The pain of mastopathy depends on the form of the disease and the pain threshold. She can, like giving herself to the scapula or arm, never manifest until a certain stage of the disease.

The primary form of mastopathy is diffuse, characterized by the swelling of the mammary gland and the appearance of granular membranes before the onset of menstruation. Most often, before the onset or after the end of the critical days, the symptoms disappear. This is caused by the hormonal changes that occur in this period. Over time, pain, swelling of the breast, and seals remain after the end of menstruation, which indicates the development of the disease.

The launched diffuse mastopathy passes into the nodular. Symptoms of nodal mastopathy are similar to those of breast cancer, so first of all accurate diagnosis is necessary to exclude the presence of a tumor. The nodular form is characterized by the formation of seals or cysts, which are easy to detect by palpation.

In some cases, there may be discharge from the nipple. The appearance of bloody or dark discharge indicates the severity of the disease and the need for urgent care specialist.

Also about mastopathy may indicate an increase in lymph nodes in the armpits.

Symptoms of mastopathy, which can be seen in the photo in medical journals, indicate the severity of the disease, as changes in external tissues indicate significant internal damage. In such cases, drug treatment may not be effective, and removal of damaged areas is required. In the early stages of mastopathy, no external signs are observed.

If the temperature rises during mastopathy, then it is necessary to inform the doctor. The change in body temperature is not associated with breast disease and may indicate inflammatory processes in other organs.

For timely detection of the disease in the early stages, it is recommended that To survey a breast by means of a palpation. If there are seals, engorgement and painful sensations, it is recommended to consult a mammologist for further examination.

When identifying signs of mastopathy, treatment is prescribed. Depending on the reasons that caused the disease, you may need the help of different specialists. For example, with hormonal disorders, you must additionally turn to the endocrinologist, with genital diseases - to the gynecologist. Despite the fact that mastopathy is not a precancerous disease, the consequences of untimely treatment can be very deplorable. Moreover, chronic forms of mastopathy are associated with increased pain and discomfort. At the first stages of the disease can be cured for 1 - 1.5 months, without unnecessary costs and torments.