How to understand that the guy is jealous?

Signs of a guy's jealousy is very easy to compute by observing him. But if some of the questions arouse doubts, then this article will help you to understand how right you are.

How do you know if a guy is jealous?

As a rule, in order to find out if the guy is jealous, the girl is quite a few minutes. Most men - terrible owners and at the sight of increased attention to their women, begin to get nervous. If you are relaxing with a chosen one, and another man is trying to arrange for you, then the lover can show various gestures that will show that you are just him, and attempts by outsiders to climb onto his "territory" can lead to disastrous consequences.

Pay attention to the behavior of your young man when everyday situations occur. How does he react when he sees that you are reading new messages that have come to you on the phone or in social networks? How does he behave when you meet someone on the street whom your loved one does not know?

Be sure to pay attention to whether the guy trusts you - does not he read your sms without permission, does not go to your page in "Odnoklassniki" when you are not around. Some men are so jealous that they want to control their girlfriend in everything and require that she give them a login and password from her account, so that all her correspondence and virtual communication are under control.

When a man is jealous, the following behavioral reactions are characteristic of him:

  1. He can begin to ask questions, showing his negative attitude, for example, to your delays at work or to communication with the opposite sex. It is not excluded and "interrogations with bias" in a more aggressive form.
  2. Any positive change in the appearance of a woman can be perceived negatively.
  3. A man can spontaneously decide to go with you to the cinema, theater, etc., at the moment when you are gathered there with friends or colleagues.
  4. Another manifestation of jealousy is an incomprehensible resentment and a game of silence. In this case, the man shows all the way that he is offended at you, silent, demonstratively refuses to eat or periodically leaves home, again, demonstratively.

You must clearly realize that jealousy is not always a manifestation of love, perhaps it is just a hypertrophied sense of ownership in your partner. And if you do not want to suffer in the future from his jealousy that has passed beyond all bounds, it is important at the very beginning of the relationship to convince your man that you can be trusted and he has no cause for concern.