
A common problem in the relationship is mutual misunderstanding, this applies to both communication in the family, and with friends, in the work community, and everywhere. To avoid serious disagreements, such misunderstandings should be sought to eliminate immediately after their occurrence.

Causes of misunderstanding

If we talk about misunderstanding in relations with colleagues or friends, then the reason is most often the inability to listen and express their thoughts clearly. People often concentrate on themselves, their opinions and experiences, and this makes it impossible for an understanding of another person to communicate. Hence, there are various conflicts between those who, in general, are not attuned to them.

Strangely enough, but love and misunderstanding are close, quarrels in the family for this reason is not uncommon. It would seem, how can you not understand your loved one? This misconception is the cause of many family quarrels. Starting to live together, people for some reason believe that their partner becomes clairvoyant, and therefore to explain something to him does not make sense. For example, the wife, going on a visit, asked what it is better to go, the beloved preferred to brush aside, offering to put on what she wants. And the woman was offended by this answer. Why there was a misunderstanding with her husband? Because her husband found the matter worthless, and the wife did not find it necessary to explain the reason why she needs to look particularly attractive today. It seems that the reason for the quarrel is stupid, but, nevertheless, many couples start to scandal it with such trifles. Therefore, in order to avoid misunderstandings, one has to explain one's position to one another, unless, of course, your partner is a telepath.

How to avoid misunderstanding?

First, think about whether these relationships are valuable to you, whether it is worth preserving them. This applies to family relationships, both friendly and workers. Usually intuition suggests that with some person you need to try to find a common language, and for someone and the strength to spend is not worth it.

  1. Analyze your behavior with a person with whom you can not establish relationships. Perhaps you all too often make critical comments, or instead of listening to someone else's opinion, you start arguing on any occasion, proving your rightness. It's not easy to communicate with such a person, that's why you should not be surprised that someone is in conflict with you.
  2. If in a society of any person you are uncomfortable, melancholy, boring, lonely, then it is not worth fighting for such relations. If this is a colleague at work, but you are not going to leave office, then try to communicate with him in a friendly way, but do not let him get too close to you.
  3. If a person is always focused on himself, does not inspire confidence in you or you show in his society are not characteristic of you character traits, then this is a sign of conflict. It is also worth thinking about such relations, maybe they are not worth your efforts to preserve.
  4. Finding out the relationship, do not use e-mail, ICQ or SMS, the application of the phone is also undesirable, it's better to explain yourself in person, face to face.
  5. Try not to be trapped in emotions. For example, if you are angry or offended at the household, do not bring this into working communication. Also, you should not bring home working problems, otherwise it will necessarily cause misunderstandings and quarrels.

All people are very different in education and character, they have different interests and attitudes towards life, so it will be impossible to find a common language with everyone. So, if you constantly have conflicts with someone, and all your efforts to avoid go to nothing, break off relations with this person or at least reduce communication with him to a minimum, you just look at the world too differently, and therefore to interact with you is not easy.