Pancakes with salmon

Salmon is able to turn any dish into a festive and delicious, and the combination of pancakes with salmon and cheese is a completely safe option. Moreover, over time, this snack becomes only tastier, and it can be prepared in advance for guests, without leaving everything at the last minute.

Cake of pancakes with salmon - recipe


For the test:

For filling:


Yeast with sugar is dissolved in 3 tbsp. spoons of warm water. Add a spoonful of flour, stir and leave the leaven for half an hour in a warm place. After pour in the milk, drive in the egg, add the remaining flour, vegetable oil, salt. Knead the dough. While it rises, we prepare the filling.

Champignons cut into thin plates, sprinkle them with lemon juice. Salt, pepper and fry in butter. We beat the salmon in a blender with mayonnaise and dill.

Bake pancakes and spread, alternating layers: pancake, mushrooms, pancake, salmon. From above cake can be decorated with red caviar and greens. Ready pancake cake let's brew for a couple of hours in the fridge, so pancake cake with salmon will be even tastier!

Spinach rolls of pancakes with salmon


For pancakes:

For filling:


How to cook pancakes with salmon? Spinach thoroughly rinse and for a couple of minutes lower into boiling salted water. Throw green in the colander, let it drain and crush with a knife.

In a bowl, beat the egg with a pinch of salt, add milk and spinach mass. Continuing to beat, gradually, we introduce flour. At the end, add the vegetable oil and let the test "distance" 15 minutes. Fry the pancakes in a dry (!) Skillet with non-stick coating, no more than a minute on each side.

Salmon cut into small pieces, mixed with soft cream cheese and distribute the resulting mass in an even layer of pancakes. Fold into rolls and cut into small portions.

Another piquant classic snack to the table can be pancakes with caviar . Bon Appetit!