Treatment of soil in autumn from diseases and pests

Qualitative soil cultivation in the autumn helps to cope with weeds and reduce the likelihood of damage to plants by diseases and pests, thus ensuring favorable conditions for the seeds and seedlings that you will plant in the spring.

How to conduct soil cultivation in autumn?

In autumn, soil cultivation from diseases and pests begins immediately after harvesting and it should end before the onset of cold weather. First, the garden is dug with a garden shovel, treating the soil to a depth of 35-40 cm. After that, the ground is harrowed with metal rakes and makes ridges.

Depending on what is planned to plant on a particular site next year, organic or mineral fertilizers are added to the land. So, for cabbage, zucchini, cucumber, lettuce and celery at the time of digging soil add manure, compost or humus. Under the carrots, beets and radishes put only mineral fertilizers.

The removal of weeds together with roots in autumn refers to the cultivation of soil from pests that can overwinter in these thickets and in the root system. In addition, digging leads to the fact that the sources of diseases are outside and die during winter frosts.

EM technologies of autumn soil cultivation from pests and diseases

The use of effective microorganisms (EM) in the fall in soil cultivation from diseases allows adherents of natural agriculture to solve the problem of insect larvae wintering in the soil and causative agents of diseases. Microorganisms actively multiply and destroy in the course of their vital activity all the roots of weeds, which are a haven for all harmful phenomena.

Soil processing by Baikal in autumn should be carried out as soon as possible, immediately after harvesting, so that warm weather promotes higher temperature in the soil and more active multiplication of introduced microorganisms.