Pork baked pork at home

Homemade cold boiled pork can be a real delicacy if you drop old-fashioned recipes and cooking techniques, and choose a quality piece of meat. We will depart from the monotony of the meat recipes in this material to prepare the most juicy and mouth-watering boiled pork, which will look good on the festive table and can add spice to any dish you cooked.

Recipe for pork roast pork in the oven

As we said, pork pork at home is the most delicious, if you can choose the right piece of meat. Ideal for boiled pork will be a ham with a bone. The latter makes the dish more fragrant.



Pry the canned mango pulp with a blender, and then combine the resulting mashed potatoes with the garlic, citrus juice and zest, and sweet mustard. Pour the icing over the meat and carefully rub it. Put the dish in a preheated 190 degree oven and cook for about an hour and a half or two hours, occasionally applying a mixture of glaze and fat to the bottom of the mold. If the boiled pork is caramelized too quickly, cover the meat with a sheet of foil.

Homemade pork chicken with pork

If there is no meat on the bone or you want to try the recipe with a smaller piece, then replace the whole ham with its cut (fillet), which is easily and quickly marinated using a standard set of spices and herbs.



In the stupa rub garlic teeth into a paste with a pinch of large sea salt. Continuing to rub the paste with a pestle, start gradually pour in olive oil, honey and lemon juice. Mix all the ingredients together with finely chopped leaves of rosemary - the marinade for pork is ready, only grate it and leave it to marinate for at least three hours (best all-night). Pick a marinated piece in a roll and bandage with a thick thread, then wrap the meat with foil and place in a preheated oven to 200 degrees. Boiled pork in foil should be baked for about 1 hour and 20 minutes. From the finished meat will flow absolutely clear juice.

Next, a piece of boiled pork still hot should be put under a press and leave in this form for the whole night. In the morning, remove the load, cut the thread, and cut the meat itself in thin slices.

How to cook pork with boiled pork?

The glaze, prepared at once from several components, will give meat a stunning multifaceted taste. The composition of our glaze includes beer, pineapple juice and usual sweet soda. This simple mixture quickly caramelizes, covering the meat with a varnish crust.



In the brazier, combine all the ingredients together and add 6-7 buds of the carnation. Bring the marinade to a boil, put meat in it and cook for about an hour. After a lapse of time, shift the ham on the baking tray, peep the remaining buds of the clove and leave to bake at 160 degrees for 2 hours, periodically lubricating the meat with glaze. Before cutting the ham should be cooled for at least 15 minutes.