How to wash knitted things?

To ensure that our favorite knitted things do not quickly lose their original appearance, experienced housewives advise to follow certain recommendations for caring for them. Most questions arise, how to wash and dry knitted things and whether it is possible to use a washing machine for this.

How correctly to erase knitted things?

  1. Wash knitted clothing separately from the other, otherwise you can not avoid the appearance of spools. Wash in water not hot, but also not cold, observe a temperature of about 30 degrees. For rinsing knitwear use water of the same temperature.
  2. Knits are best washed by hand and a special powder. Such a powder should not contain bleaches and aggressive additives, otherwise your things will lose their original color. First, dissolve the whole powder in water, and only then dip the product into the water.
  3. Knitwear should not be rubbed. If you want to remove a stain, use a brush with soft natural bristles. The same rule applies to mohair products: if you start to rub them, then deform the structure of the thread and your thing collapses.

You can wash knitted things and in washing machines, but, undoubtedly, hand washing is preferable. If you do not have the opportunity to wash hands, then choose a delicate mode, if such is provided in your washing machine. And do not forget about the temperature - it should be at a level of 30 degrees.

How to dry knitted things?

Squeezing and twisting for knitted things are prohibited. Allow excess water to drain and prepare the product for drying. Dry knitting is best spread on a horizontal surface. Drying on a battery or in a washing machine will lead to a strong shrinkage of the product, and on the hanger or ropes - to stretching and deformation.

Following the simple guidelines, you can keep the original look of your knitted things for a long time!