How to water tomatoes with yeast?

In this age, when everything around is literally saturated with "chemistry", organic farming is becoming especially important. And this is understandable, because none of the producers of all kinds of fertilizers can not give a one hundred percent guarantee that their use will not damage the human body. Another thing is natural feeding, for example, ordinary yeast, using which you can not only achieve excellent harvests, but also be calm for your health. Let's consider the basic rules of their application on an example of cultivation of tomatoes.

Why pour tomatoes on yeast?

An inexperienced gardener will probably have a question - why, in fact, in general, to water the tomatoes with yeast? What will it give? The answer is simple - in the process of their vital activity, yeast creates ideal conditions for the work of useful microorganisms processing organics in nitrogen and potassium, so necessary for all plants. Thus, introducing a yeast solution into the soil, the vegetable grower accelerates the processes of organic cleavage in the soil, giving the plants everything necessary for full growth and fruiting. Just the day after the first watering of tomatoes with yeast, you can see how their leaves become more green and shiny, and the trunks thicken. Growing on yeast top dressing tomatoes are easier to tolerate heat, and their fruits grow larger. In addition, yeast increases and natural immunity of tomatoes, making them more resistant to disease and frost.

What kind of yeast to water tomatoes?

For the preparation of yeast fertilizing for tomatoes, absolutely any yeast is suitable. You can use ordinary yeast in briquettes, and you can feed tomatoes with granulated yeast from the sachet. You can even make such a top dressing from the remains of bread, because it also contains yeast. In terms of material costs, it is much more economical to use yeast in briquettes.

How to water the tomatoes with yeast?

So, how to properly water the tomatoes with yeast? First of all, you need to prepare a yeast nutrient solution. On the Internet, you can find many of his recipes, ranging from the classic - water + yeast + sugar and ending with "exotic" with the addition of mullein, chicken manure and greenery of weeds. Take as a basis the "classic" recipe. For him, take 100 grams of yeast and dilute them with three liters of warm water. Add 100 grams of sugar to the solution, cover the jar with clean gauze and put it in a warm place for fermentation. As soon as the fermentation process is over, you can start feeding. But to use undiluted mortar for application directly into the soil is not worth it, there is a risk of damaging the roots. Therefore, divorce the mating in the ratio of 1 glass to 1 bucket of water and pour out for each bush from 0.5 to 2 liters of the solution obtained.

How many times to water tomatoes with yeast?

You can water yeast with yeast not only adult bushes, but also tomato seedlings. In any case, each shrub tomato can get no more than two yeast solution per season.

The first time to water tomatoes with yeast can be a week after planting seedlings in the ground, when it is already sufficiently entrenched. The second such fertilizing is carried out before the beginning of flowering, when tomatoes need a lot of strength for the formation of buds and ovaries. This changes the amount of nutrient solution poured out under each bush. If half a liter can of solution is enough for young immature bushes and seedlings, then two cans are needed for the bushes before the blossoming of such cans.