Dendrobium nobil

In this material, we will talk about the orchid dendrobium nobil or "noble", as it is still called. In nature, this fabulous beauty flower grows directly on the bark of large trees. It can be found in the natural habitat in South Asia, but we can meet it, perhaps, only in flower shops. We will tell you about the proper care, reproduction and transplantation of dendrobium nobil.

General information

The success of growing this wonderful plant mainly depends on the knowledge of its seasonal characteristics. If a floriculturist approaches her cultivation with knowledge of the matter, soon instead of one completed dendrobium nail, several dwellings will appear in the dwelling. It is after the plant buds, new shoots start to appear, the root system grows, then new flower buds will start to appear, and this beautiful orchid blossoms again. Now let's figure out how to make the dendrobium noble, bought in the store, bloom for the second time.

Cycles of dendrobium nobil

As already mentioned above, the orchid dendrobium nobil is very demanding to appropriate care in different cycles of her life. If you ignore her natural needs, then, most likely, the bought plant will not blossom for the second time. If you break the cycle of dendrobium nobil, then first it turns yellow leaves (many mistakenly take it for disease), and then the plant and completely dies. At a time when the orchid blooms, it is recommended to use special fertilizers , oriented to the needs of this plant. To put them is only during flowering. What to do after the dendrobium nail has faded, and the vegetative growth phase began (lasts from the beginning of spring to the end of summer)? Mainly, attention should be paid to the temperature and correctness of watering. The temperature in summer in the daytime should not exceed the mark of 25 degrees, and at night fall below 20. Overcooling and overheating have a very negative effect on the development of plants, keep this in mind. Watering the dendrobium nobili should be as natural as possible. Since in nature the roots of the flower are always dry, the plant, together with the pot, is dipped in water at room temperature, then wait until its excess drains, and again put on a pallet. In autumn, this plant should be at rest, for this it is vitally important to lower the temperature regime. In the daytime the temperature should vary from 15-20 degrees, and at night it should go down to 5-10. During this period irrigation of the plant is almost completely canceled, and it is necessary to provide it with maximum light source, only in these conditions the process of formation of young flower buds will normally proceed.

What is important to know about dendrobium nobil?

  1. The soil for plant transplantation is best made by yourself, for this it is necessary to cut the bark of coniferous trees 1x1 cm, add a little charcoal and foam there, which will perform the function of drainage.
  2. Pruning dendrobium nobil should only be performed if shoots show signs of disease, otherwise you can damage the plant.
  3. Diseases of dendrobium nobilis are mainly manifested due to improper irrigation. > Rotting of the stem and roots begins, caused by the reproduction of the fungus in the soil.
  4. Reproduction of this species of orchids at home is performed only by the vegetative method. For this, old shoots are cut into parts and sprouted on sphagnum at a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees Celsius.

On the care and reproduction of this wonderful orchid, whole books are written, it is impossible to describe everything in one material. We hope that the information presented here will provide answers to the most frequently asked questions for beginning flower growers regarding this plant.