How to wipe the mounting foam?

Mounting foam is indispensable in carrying out a lot of works related to repair and construction, it is used for installing doors , with its help sheathe and insulate surfaces, perform plumbing work. During its use, it sometimes protrudes from the void and falls on exposed surfaces, clothing, hands.

How to get rid of the mounting foam on different surfaces?

Many professionals advise before wiping the assembly foam from the clothes, as much as possible to assemble it with a knife, trowel or some other object, excluding getting on hands. As soon as possible, until it is withered, you should use one of the solvents.

It is good to clean the foam from clothes Dimexide medication, sold in pharmacies, you can use a non-aggressive solvent, like a liquid for removing varnish, white spirit. There are also special cleaners from the mounting foam, as a rule, they should be purchased in advance, if it is supposed to perform work related to the mounting foam.

How to clean the mounting foam from the metal door? A method similar to that used for clothes. First, remove the foam layer from the metal surface as much as possible, then treat the thin layer with a solvent. It can be special means in an aerosol can, used for washing the mounting gun - "Reiniger", "Cosmofen", "Fenozol", with their help soften the stain, then wipe off with a hard sponge.

Often the question arises as to clean the mounting foam from the laminate, because it will not be exposed to solvents. Laminate can be saved with the help of all the same Dimexid, from folk remedies you can try warmed vegetable oil. To clean the mounting foam from plastic and laminate, you can use the chemical "Platina Cleaner", it is very effective according to experts.