Bishofit application

As a result of the evaporation of water masses from the surface of the Ancient Sea, a unique mineral is formed - the bischofite. Thanks to the combination of microelements, bischofite has found wide application in medicine. Bishofit has a beneficial effect on virtually all vital organs of man. It provides cell regeneration, nourishes the skin, helps the emergence and provision of important cellular processes. Including its effect is decontaminating, partially anesthetizing, anti-inflammatory and decongestant.

What is bischofite?

As it was said, bischofite is a natural mineral formed at the depth of water bodies. Bishofit finds application in cosmetology and medicine. Healing properties of bischofite consist in its composition. The bishofite contains iron, bromine, iodine, silicon, magnesium, zinc and other trace elements. The basis of bischofite is magnesium chloride. Initially, this mineral was named after the man who discovered it - the geologist Bischoff, it was many centuries ago in Germany. Since then, bischofite has been considered a very rare mineral. But not so long ago, in the 50s of the last century its deposit was discovered in Russia, namely in the Volga region. Bishofit deposits are located at a depth of more than 1.5 km. and extracted by leaching - dissolving the mineral layer at a depth. Now bischofite is mined, including on the territory of Ukraine and Turkmenistan.

Application of bischofite

The beneficial effect of bischofite on the body causes its wide application in the form of compresses, baths and ointments. The general action of bischofite can be determined in the following directions:

This is not the whole list of the results of bishofit exposure to the body. The healing mineral has a rather strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Many sanatoriums have the most popular ones among the procedures - baths with bischofite. After all, this is not only useful, but also a pleasant procedure. Its use is possible at home. It is possible to enumerate endlessly what the bischofite treats. Here are just a small part of the diseases that are under his control:

Also, bischofite is used as a preventative for gout.

Bischofite at home

Many are wondering how to use bischofite at home. After all, we can buy this valuable mineral in pharmacies. For the implementation of procedures with bischofite alone does not require special skills.

Compresses with bischofite

Before performing procedures with the use of bischofite it is recommended to warm up the painful area for 5 minutes with a warmer. Next, to prepare a compress, heat the bischofite solution to 35 degrees and pour into a saucer. To begin with, you can moisten your hands in solution and rub your fingertips into the affected area with your fingertips. Then, moisten the gauze in the solution, cover it with a diseased area, cover with a plastic bag and wrap it with something warm. Such a compress can be left overnight, and washed off with warm water in the morning.

Baths with bischofite

To make a bath with bischofite, you will need 1 liter. bischofite solution, or 200 g bischofite salt per bath. The water temperature should be pleasant to the body, not cool, rather warm, as much as you can stand. Lying in the bathroom you need at least 15 minutes. Such baths can be taken every other day for a month.

Bischofite is also useful for colds as a rinse for the throat. However, lying in the bathroom during the rise in body temperature should not be. Contraindications include intolerance to iodine and bromine, which are part of the mineral.

Bischofite is one of those valuable minerals that nature gives us. Its uniqueness is its origin. Unlike the usual drugs for us, this is a 100% natural remedy - a product of living water.