Pills that cause vomiting

Vomiting tablets are medicines from a group of emetics, which, according to the mechanism of action on the body, are divided into two groups: central action and reflex action. The first provoke vomiting, affecting the receptors of the zone of the vomiting center, located in the brain. Tablets of reflex action when ingested into the body locally irritate the vagus nerve of the stomach and duodenum, causing gastric contents to appear outside.

These drugs can be used for urgent purification of the stomach in such cases:

What tablets can cause vomiting?

Here are the names of some pills that cause vomiting:

Medications that stimulate vomiting, but produced in other forms:

Danger of vomiting tablets

It is worthwhile to warn everyone who intends to use drugs for vomiting: these drugs should be taken only as prescribed by the doctor, in strict dosages. Uncontrolled intake of such tablets can cause serious consequences for the body. They are strictly forbidden to pregnant, nursing mothers, patients with peptic ulcer, cardiovascular diseases, and also with some other diagnoses.

Some girls are trying to find inexpensive pills that cause vomiting, with the aim of losing weight - to get rid of food eaten. But it should be borne in mind that this way of combating obesity is threatened by the following: