Arbidol or Kagocel - which is better?

Increasingly, the cause of the disease is viral infections, and therefore the question of how an antiviral drug can be effectively protected and cured is now very relevant. It is very difficult to decide with a medicine, since many different names are sold in pharmacies. But most often the patient is prescribed such drugs:

In this article we will find out what distinguishes Arbidol from Kagocel, because they are both popular and considered effective antiviral agents.

The principle of action of antiviral drugs

To determine what is better than Arbidol or Kagocel, you must first study how they act on the human body.


Its active substance, identical to human interferon, blocks hemagglutinin, which helps to attach and multiply the cells of the virus, which causes a decrease in its activity. It can be used in ARVI, viral diseases of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract.


Limits the spread of herpes and influenza viruses across the body, preventing their penetration into cells, and stimulates the production of endogenous interferon (alpha, beta and gamma), which are responsible for the formation of protective reactions, that is, immunity. It is effective against herpes virus , influenza and other viral infections.

What is more effective - Kagocel or Arbidol?

To choose an antiviral drug is necessary from the purposes put before it. If you need prophylaxis, it is better to take Arbidol, which will prevent the penetration and spread of the virus. To treat the disease should choose Kagocel, which not only neutralizes the infection, but also actively struggles with it. Especially it is effective in first two days of illness. It can also be used as a preventative. It is better, if you prescribe the drug will be a doctor, based on the general condition and type of disease.

Some believe that if you take several drugs at the same time, you can achieve a better effect. But doctors do not recommend taking Arbidol and Kacogol together, as this can cause an overdose.

The main contraindications for these drugs are the same, therefore, choosing an antiviral agent, you should decide what you will use it for: prevention or treatment.