Apple - useful properties

Apple is the most ancient and most common among people of different countries fruit. It was apple Eve treated Adam, it was the apple that fell on the head of the great Newton, the Trojan War began, after the apple appeared on the table, even in folk Russian fairy tales, many heroes dreamed of trying juvenile apples. All this speaks about the enormous popularity of this fruit.

Today it is not a secret for anyone that in this fruit there is a whole complex of the most important components due to which the apple properties useful for a man can not be overestimated.

Composition of apples

  1. Firstly, apples contain a rather rich vitamin composition: vitamins A , P, PP, C, K, H, group B.
  2. Secondly, there is a wide variety of minerals: iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, fluorine, etc.
  3. Thirdly, apples contain the basic nutrients: pectins, antioxidants, fiber, tannins, organic acids, fructose, starch, essential oils, etc.

Useful properties of apple

Let's consider the basic qualities of this fruit:

  1. Vitamin A helps maintain visual acuity and protects against colds.
  2. Vitamin C increases immunity, strengthens blood vessels, relieves swelling, gives vivacity.
  3. Fibers contained in this fruit, and help with diarrhea, and with constipation.
  4. Regular use of apples improves digestion and improves appetite.
  5. This fruit is a wonderful tool for lowering the level of bad cholesterol. Due to this quality, apples serve as helpers in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  6. Apples for women in the postmenopausal period are very useful. The fact is that at this time, ladies are at risk of developing osteoporosis, and substances found in apples contribute to strengthening and increasing bone density.
  7. This delicious fruit has a choleretic effect, which means it prevents gallstone disease.
  8. Fruits help to fight overweight. In addition to useful properties, apples can also boast a low calorie content, averaging 47 calories per 100 g. As an excellent dietary product, the apple helps to speed up metabolism, removes slag, improves digestion, thereby helping to lose weight.
  9. This fruit serves as an excellent prophylactic of the growth of cancer cells. This useful property of apples has been repeatedly proven by scientists in different countries.
  10. Apples and apple juice can protect against the formation of stones in the gallbladder.
  11. Thanks to the fiber , which quickly and well dissolves, blood sugar levels decrease, so the probability of such a disease as diabetes mellitus is reduced.
  12. Having a large enough iron content, apples are an excellent remedy to prevent the appearance of anemia.
  13. If we talk about the dangers of apples, then in comparison with the useful properties of its not so much. It is necessary to refrain from eating these fruits to people who have gastritis, ulcers or increased acidity of the stomach, serious inflammation of the gallbladder. Keep in mind, the sugar contained in apples can adversely affect the enamel of the teeth.

Useful properties of a green apple

It is worth noting that green apples are considered more useful than red and yellow ones:

  1. In green apples less sugar, so they are great for people with diabetes.
  2. This green fruit helps to digest fatty foods better.
  3. Green apples are a hypoallergenic product.
  4. This fruit is useful with reduced acidity.
  5. Green apples are not as harmful to the teeth as red or yellow.