Cognition and consciousness

Consciousness and knowledge are some of the most pressing problems of philosophy. It is impossible to know one's own consciousness, even if one tries to separate from it. From it is impossible to "get out," therefore philosophy views consciousness through the prism of its relationship to anything.

Consciousness and knowledge in philosophy and psychology

Consciousness allows a person to navigate the environment. Every object in the universe is endowed with its meaning. Man uses his consciousness through cognition. Consciousness helps us to reflect the world around us, so we experience emotions , reflect and try to know the reality. According to the philosophers, consciousness subordinates man to his desires and goals. Very great contribution to this area was brought by Sigmund Freud. He believed that neuroses, panic attacks and anxiety arise against the backdrop of desires that for some reason were not realized, but remained conscious. Thus, the "I" is clamped between desires and attitudes accepted in the society. For example, Freud considered religion a form of social neurosis.

The activity of consciousness is directed toward cognition. Man is endowed with cognitive need. Each of us seeks to understand the unknown and explain the incomprehensible. Against this background, different ideas and theories arise. Many people try to express through creativity. It is consciousness and cognition that push the person to creativity, which also contributes to personal development.

The way of knowing a person his creation was not found yet. We can try to build theories, but at this stage of evolution, people can not know their consciousness. For this it is necessary to go beyond its limits, which is fraught with great complications.

Many Eastern sages and shamans have learned to go beyond these limits of their own consciousness, but these methods are not suitable for ordinary untrained people, so it is very important to engage in spiritual pursuits and practices. According to the sages, it is these methods that expand the mind and help to find answers to the questions that arise.