How to be beautiful and attractive?

The question of how to be beautiful and attractive, always excited the beautiful half of humanity. It is also interesting that women, who are considered to be "beauties", on closer inspection are also not devoid of flaws. Why do some have the title "the most beautiful and attractive", while others, with approximately the same data, are known as gray mice?

How to become beautiful and attractive: self-esteem

The problem of most women is not at all in the imperfection of their data, but in low self-esteem . At many it goes from the childhood: mothers often do not note strong points of appearance of girls that those "did not become proud". As a result, the grown up girl considers herself to be the most ordinary, and this is manifested in her non-verbal speech - facial expressions, gestures, posture. Until the girl herself loves herself and her appearance, changes for the better can not wait.

In each class there is one "beauty" that boys like. In fact, it is by no means the most beautiful, but 100% is the most self-confident. Do you want to become more beautiful? Raise self-esteem!

Take for a rule not to stop your attention on your shortcomings, but to think about what is beautiful in you. Each time you decide to mentally mark your shortcoming, translate thoughts into a constructive channel: either you eliminate the defect, if possible, or think about other, more pleasing elements of your appearance.

How to become more beautiful and attractive?

Men pay attention not to detail, but to the image as a whole. Nobody will notice that you have a slightly wide nose if you are stylishly dressed and beautifully painted. You should shine entirely, this will add to your self-confidence. Estimate yourself correctly:

  1. Stand at the mirror, examine yourself from all sides and scroll their strengths: for example, high growth, slenderness, big eyes, long legs, harmonious facial features. The more you select them, the better.
  2. Note also the disadvantages of the exterior, which you try to hide: for example, not enough voluminous breasts will fix the bush push-up, thin lips - correct make-up, etc.
  3. Create for yourself an image in which your dignity is emphasized, and the flaws are hidden. Remember yourself this.

Always monitor the condition of the skin, hair, nails. Choose clothes not on a principle "and so will descend", and create the complete image. Every day you should look so that you like yourself - and you yourself will not notice how they became attractive and popular.