Incomplete family

The family is one of the main goals of each person, since with it he spends most of his life. How many would not have your friends, none of them will replace the warmth and tranquility that the relatives give.

What is an incomplete family?

Today, unfortunately, it's hard to surprise anyone with such a phenomenon. The definition of an incomplete family means raising a child by one of the parents. This happens for various reasons: the child is born out of wedlock, the separation of parents, the divorce or even the death of one of the parents. Of course, such an option is not ideal for the child, but at times it is a source of joy, freedom, happiness that could not be achieved with the standard family formula. Let's see in more detail what kind of family is considered incomplete.

Types of single-parent families: maternal and paternal. Most often, the mother's incomplete family is widely spread. A woman in the process of carrying, giving birth, feeding seems to live with the child. In addition, it is accepted that the care of children lies on the female shoulders. And the father is capable of being an educator. But at the same time, experts believe that the father reacts to the crying and smiles of the child, as well as the woman. An incomplete father's family is less common now, due to various circumstances. Fathers take responsibility for raising a child, from early childhood, so their absence became much more noticeable. But more often they are still breadwinners and earners, rather than educators.

Parenting in an incomplete family

When there are several children in such a family, this compensates for incompleteness a little. The older child can become an example for the younger, if the adults behave correctly. It is known that in single-parent families, children compete much less and are more emotionally attached to each other. Parents who raise children in single-parent families want to give some advice:

  1. Talk to the child and listen to him. Stay with him always in touch. It is important for him to be heard when he talks about the kindergarten or school.
  2. Respect the memory of the past with respect.
  3. Help him with behavioral skills that fit his sex.
  4. Do not shift the functions of absent parents to the shoulders of children.
  5. Try to remarry and return to life in a full family.

Features of single-parent families

In orphaned families, despite the loss of a loved one, the remaining family members show cohesion and maintain family ties with all relatives along the line of the deceased. Such relations continue and on the introduction into the second marriage, tk. this is considered the norm.

In divorced families, the child receives a psychological trauma, a sense of fear, shame. Therefore, it is considered normal for the baby's hopes for recovery, reunification of the relationship of the father and mother.

A young single-parent family is formed when the father is against childbirth and the woman decides to raise a child alone. Then there is a threat that the single mother will later interfere with the child's own family and will not want to share it with anyone.

Today, quite often young couples in a fit of emotion get divorced, without thinking about how their child will grow and how of the incomplete family will affect his psychological state.

Studies of the psychological characteristics of an incomplete family show that children in such families are prone to violations from the nervous system, they have poor academic performance, and have a low self-esteem.

Therefore, before making any decisions about the composition of the family, think carefully not about your feelings, but about how this will affect the child. Only patience and understanding of the child's feelings can create a real family, and at the same time a happy childhood.