Immunostimulating drugs for children

If the baby is prone to frequent colds, which occur more than six times a year and occur with complications, then the child is often sick, which is recorded in his medical record. For such children, immunostimulating drugs are often offered. They come in different composition and origin. Such means are divided into vegetable, interferon-containing and bacterial, the composition of which contains microdoses of dead bacteria, like vaccines.

Immunostimulants for children of plant origin

The most inexpensive and often prescribed drugs are based on medicinal plants. Some of them have been used for a long time, since the last century, but this has not lost its relevance and effectiveness. These include:

Immunostimulating agent for children of the interferon group

All drugs of this group increase immunity in course treatment. Especially relevant is the introduction of them at the very beginning of the infection, as well as for prevention. Drugs derived from interferon include:

Immunostimulating agents for children of bacterial origin

In the list of good immunostimulants for children were such means as: