Indian sea rice

Are we thinking about a healthy way of life? Are we trying to bring in our food useful products? Do we want to preserve youth and beautiful appearance for many years? Sometimes these questions start to worry us too late.

Today we want to introduce our readers to such a product as sea rice. Homeland of sea rice is considered to be India, so it is not surprising that sometimes this product is called Indian rice.

Indian sea rice is a zoogea - a symbiotic organism that combines the properties of fungi and bacteria. Organisms of this kind are milk and tea mushroom.

Even ancient people appreciated sea rice. Although India is the birthplace, the culture of Indian sea rice was known in Tibet, China and Japan as far back as the 18th century. Very interesting reviews of sea rice can be found in ancient Chinese manuscripts. They talk about an organism that can cure many diseases, prepare a drink, quench thirst and promote digestion. Recipes of drinks based on sea rice were in the strictest secrecy, and served at the table of the Chinese Emperor himself. Marine rice is more a fungus than a combination of bacteria. His name came from a striking resemblance to boiled rice. As a result of the life of Indian sea rice, an acid is formed that neutralizes bacteria living in water and saturates the water with a useful microflora. Therefore, a drink of Indian sea rice is recommended for people suffering from problems of the digestive tract, and sea rice is recommended as an aid to losing weight.

Preparation of infusion from sea rice

The actual use of sea rice is cooking the infusion. Infusion of sea rice helps with insomnia, depression, neurosis, stammering, fainting. Often infusion of sea rice is recommended for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Indian sea rice has virtually no contraindications. Some therapists forbid giving infusion of sea rice to children under 1 year due to the extremely high biological activity of the product.

Preparation of sea rice infusion does not require special skills or special knowledge. Recommended glassware, for example, a can of three liters. One tablespoon of sea rice is taken from the calculation per liter of water. Sugar is put to taste, about a tablespoon (with a slide) per liter of water. The more sugar, the more saturated is the taste of the drink.

Caring for Indian Sea Rice

Care for marine rice is reduced to timely renewal of the nutrient medium. Do not allow direct contact between the culture and the crystalline sugar. The ideal option - the preparation of a sweet solution, and then - pouring this solution of marine rice culture. The water temperature should be about 28-32 degrees. The infusion of sea rice is prepared at room temperature, outside the area of ​​direct sunlight. The infusion is cooked for 5-7 days. These terms can vary depending on various factors, mainly on the temperature and availability of sugar in a nutrient solution. Some people like a slightly acidic kvass, while others prefer a well-ripened sour drink.

Indian rice has the greatest biological strength, compared to other zooglosses. For example, the infusion can be used under reduced pressure, gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers, before a long trip behind the wheel of the car. With symptoms of a hangover, a drink of sea rice will quickly relieve the "sick" from a headache.

We hope, dear readers, that our article will give you a grain of precious information, using which you can improve your condition and well-being. Good health to you!