Sunflower roots - medicinal properties

The roots of the sunflower have a very large range of medicinal properties. But only the mature roots of the plant possess medicinal qualities. Their main medicinal property is the excretion of salts. Decoction of sunflower roots very well cleans the entire body of salt deposits of salts, removes toxins, toxins, poisons, radionuclides.

Useful properties of sunflower roots

Among the medicinal properties of the root, the ability to crush, dissolve and excrete sand, stones from the kidneys, the gallbladder, is distinguished. Also the sunflower root:

Sunflower roots - medicinal properties and contraindications

Use the sunflower root for treatment should not be in the following cases:

Treatment of joints with the help of sunflower roots

We offer a few simple recipes that can be prepared from the roots of a sunflower to get rid of joint diseases:

Recipe # 1


Preparation and use

Place the roots of the sunflower in an enamel saucepan and add water. Put on medium heat, bring to a boil. Boil two to five minutes. Cool the broth and strain. Drink one glass three times a day after eating.

We offer a recipe for decoction, which effectively removes salt from the joints.

Recipe # 2


Preparation and use

Cover the roots of sunflower in a thermos, pour boiling water. Insist for hours. You can take such a decoction at any convenient time in a warm or cold form depending on your preference.

The proposed means of joint treatment will be more effective if you adhere to a certain diet during the course of treatment - remove all the sharp, acidic, salty, smoked food, alcohol, including beer, seasonings, hot peppers, marinades and pickles from the ration, as well as fatty broths .

Decoction for the treatment of osteochondrosis using the root of a sunflower is prepared in approximately the same way as a decoction for the treatment of stones in the kidneys and joints.

Recipe for osteochondrosis


Preparation and use

Pour the roots of sunflower with water. Boil and boil on low heat for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling. Decoction to cool, drain. Drink the broth for three days, drink five glasses a day before or after eating. Store the broth and roots in a refrigerator. These same roots can be boiled a second time, but for ten minutes, the procedure should be repeated. The same roots after this brew for the third time, cook for twenty minutes, drink the same pattern, then throw the roots.

For the treatment of joints, it is also good to apply a compress from the roots of sunflower.

How to eliminate sunburn with the help of sunflower root?

The root of the sunflower can also be used for the treatment of corns.

The recipe for broth


Preparation and use

Cover the roots of the sunflower in a saucepan, add water. Put on a light fire, bring to the boiling point, cook for about an hour. Allow the broth to cool down, drain. It turns out a highly concentrated broth, but you can not drink it. You should moisten the cloth in a decoction and attach it to a sore spot, wrap it with a film and wrap it with a warm cloth or woolen scarf for the night. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to take a decoction from the roots of a sunflower cooked according to the first recipe.