Indie rock

Often adherents of indie rock style are confused with hipsters, they are painfully similar to their desire to distinguish themselves from the general gray mass. But there is a difference between these movements, let's figure out what.

Style of indie rock clothing

Made indie style music. As you guessed it, this was the music direction of indie rock. But do not rush to judge by name, to India this music has nothing to do, indie is the abbreviation of English independent (independent). The direction of indie rock unites musicians who have something to do with rock music, but who work in different styles and directions and exist on relatively independent commercial and information platforms. And since the project is not focused on mass consumption, musicians have more freedom to experiment with sound, emotions and texts.

Following the musical direction, the style of indie rock clothing was formed. His fans do not recognize any rules and wear only what they like. These people are accustomed to express themselves through their manner of dressing, and they do not make any difference, call it fashionable, disgusting or like hipsters. Although they actually dress in a similar style - all the same plaid shirts, skins, vests, etc. However, hipsters are still a hostage of fashion and prefer to wear certain brands of clothing. Indie rockers on the labels do not care, their motto is "Carry only what you want." And most people want to wear comfortable clothes and the same shoes. That's what amateurs like indie style sneakers and tennis shoes instead of shoes on the hairpin. And the "Unisex" clothes are very popular with them, so girls dressed in indie style, in the wardrobe, lack of skirts and dresses. But still they are not banned, the fair sex can choose a skirt, short shorts or a dress and not fall outside the indie style. T-shirts, and especially the images on them are very important, so often representatives of this subculture paint their clothes with their own hands.

The representatives of this stylish direction are complemented by hats and caps. Indi style bags are usually bulky and capacious, made of textiles.

Decorations in the style of indie rock can be very different, although it is unlikely that they will be jewelry made of precious metals with large stones. Indy style grew out of non-commercial music, and what kind of musicians have wealth? Therefore, representatives of the subculture do not dress in expensive boutiques and are not such strict adherents of any brands as hipsters. The funniest thing is that even if a person who claims to be an indie subculture has enough means to demonstrate a brand new Apple product as a hipster, he is unlikely to acquire it, because he sees no reason to spend money on what is considered fashionable in masses. Therefore, decorating yourself indie style lovers will be what they like, and that is inexpensive. It can be your own jewelry.

Makeup and hairstyles in indie style

The appearance of a representative of an indie subculture should reflect her inner state, and therefore one should forget about fashion trends. For example, now "smoky" eyes and haircut bob are popular. But if the girl does not think that she will feel comfortable with such a hairdo and such make-up, then she will not do it. Maybe not make-up at all, but maybe she will forget about her hair. For indie, this is common, because the main convenience. And what could be more convenient, getting out of bed and not spending a minute of time on styling, go on business? But, here again, everything is individual. Many girls who sincerely support the ideas of indie rock (both music and style in clothes) still pay attention to their hairstyle and makeup. But they do it, again based on their own feelings, and not on some rules of conduct for the representatives of the subculture.