Flowering houseplants

Recently there has been a growing tendency to give flowers instead of cut flowers packed in paper, indoor potted plants in pots. Many people liked this idea, because such flowers are alive, they will delight the eyes with their bloom much longer than any bouquet, and after the flowering period beyond the plant can continue to groom to extend the life of it. But in fact, unfortunately, often everything happens quite differently - despite all the efforts made, plants quickly die. Often this is due to the fact that the conditions of urban apartments, especially in the cold season, when the air is too dry due to heating, and the light is too small, do not fit beautiful exotics.

But this is not a reason to abandon the idea of ​​breeding flowers in general. Just this fact should be considered and choose for gifts and replenishment of home greenhouses flowering houseplants unpretentious. It should also be taken into account that decorative leaves are much less whimsical than decoratively flowering houseplants, however, in a sense they lose to them from an aesthetic point of view. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the shade-loving constantly flowering indoor plants that will delight the eye constantly, without requiring any special care and creating special conditions.

In order for plants to live as long as possible and to please you with abundant flowering, you should remember some rules that must be observed:

  1. Buying flowering plants is better in the warm season - when transporting in the cold they can simply die.
  2. At home, plants should be protected from drafts and sudden temperature changes. Also, they should be removed from the windowsills during frosty days and nights.
  3. Wilted flowers should be immediately removed - this will stimulate more abundant flowering.
  4. Provide optimal watering. Most of these plants love moisture, so do not allow the drying of the earth substrate.
  5. If the flowers do not bloom for a long time, try the following procedure: move them to a dark cool room and limit watering for 6 weeks. Then return to the previous conditions. Such a "shake" will cause the plant to blossom.
  6. Do not forget about top dressing. It is especially important to give your green friends extra water after the flowering period ends.
  7. In order to determine the choice, we offer you an approximate list of plants, most comfortable feeling in the habitual for us living quarters.

Indoor plants blooming all year round

They really blossom constantly, but not continuously, because every living organism on earth periodically needs at least a short rest. So, to often blooming indoor plants are:

Also to often blossoming and all favorite houseplants are: azalea, dahlia, lily, calla, Ixia, fuchsia, phalaenopsis, cyclamen, rose. Among the shade lovers, in addition to all kinds of senpolias or violets, it is possible to single out a clergy, begonia.