Vacuum jars from cellulite

Is a serious problem for many women. If earlier it was thought that this disease threatens only full women in years, now it can be seen even in thin 20-year-old girls. Home massage from cellulite is one of the most popular methods of combating such an unpleasant ailment. A particularly good example is the can option.

Can I remove the cellulite with a massage?

If you want to defeat cellulite , and not fruitlessly try all the techniques in a row, it is important to understand the nature of this unpleasant phenomenon. Fabrics on the body of a woman are quite loose from nature and the slightest breakdown in metabolism leads to the accumulation of excess liquid in the fat deposits. So the "orange peel" appears. This also explains why in sportswomen and dancers it never happens: their body in percentages is represented by muscles rather than by fat tissue. And muscle tissue does not have such properties.

There are many massagers that give a barely noticeable effect. Vacuum banks of cellulite are today considered to be one of the most effective tools for combating the "orange peel". Instead of vibration and the grinding effect presented by other devices, you get a deep kneading, allowing you to expel excess fluid and align the skin surface.

It is massage by the banks from cellulite that best simulates those deep plucked actions that the masseur would have made if you passed the appropriate course in the salon. Of course, this is not the most pleasant procedure, but you can count on real changes. In addition, this is one of the most inexpensive ways, and time for the whole action will take a bit.

Vacuum can massage from cellulite is effective only if you do it on conscience - to redness. The earlier you start (that is, the first stage, and not the third), the better the results will be. Some banks can get rid of this scourge, but for a long time it will be more effective to connect sports, wraps and proper nutrition


Pay attention - if you have varicose veins or a predisposition to it, this method does not suit you.

Technique of canned massage with cellulite

Before you start directly massage the jar from cellulite, you need to prepare only two things: the cans and oil (any suitable for the body or unrefined olive). Banks are of different types, and here everything is individual - look at different options. In fact, they work in exactly the same way.

The procedure itself is very simple:

  1. Take a shower and carefully massage the problem areas, preferably with a stiff washcloth or scrub , dry yourself.
  2. Apply the oil to the areas that you will massage.
  3. Take the jar in your hand, squeeze it or the pear (depending on what kind you chose), and attach it to the body.
  4. The bank should be sucked - it hurts a little.
  5. Shift the jar with circular movements on the body from the bottom up. If such movements do not work out, simply drive from the bottom up.
  6. At the top, the bank needs to be torn off - if there is a "chpok", there is a possibility that it was slightly compressed.
  7. To the bank does not get unstuck in the process, take a position in which there are no wrinkles on the body. A good massage ends in redness and a burning sensation!

One zone (one leg, for example) should leave for 10-15 minutes. Do it regularly, at least 4-5 times a week. The course lasts up to 2 months, after which it is necessary to take a break. It is especially effective to perform the procedure in the evening after jogging or sports training. If you notice problems with the veins, give up the massage.