Diet and exercise

Lose weight without diet and exercise without harm to health is impossible. Only by changing your diet and by starting to squander your calories, you can see how the weight decreases. There are several basic principles that should be considered for obtaining the desired result.

Diet and exercise

To get rid of excess weight, you need to change your diet by reducing the intake of fats and simple carbohydrates. It is important to consume less than is consumed. The basic principles of a diet with physical exertion for weight loss:

  1. Eat at least five times a day. In addition to three full-fledged meals, there should be two snacks. It is important to consider that the portion should not be more than your own palm.
  2. Breakfast is a must, so you can not miss it. The best option for morning meals - complex carbohydrates , for example, porridge.
  3. At lunchtime, it is best to prefer a combination of proteins and vegetables, and you can also add a little complex carbohydrates, such as cereals.
  4. Dinner is the easiest meal and for him a mixture of vegetables and squirrel food is better.
  5. It is important not to exercise on an empty stomach, so it is necessary to eat for 1-1.5 hours before classes. Before training to get an energy charge you can eat honey or a banana, which will increase blood sugar .
  6. For weight loss it is important to drink plenty of fluids and best if the daily norm is not less than 2 liters. The total volume should be divided into several parts and drink them at regular intervals.

It is necessary to play sports at least three times a week. The duration of training is not less than 40 min. You can choose any direction, but the combination of cardio and power load is considered the best.

A diet without physical exertion also has its right to exist, but in this case the weight will go slower. If there is no time to do sports, try to walk more, do not use the elevator and prefer active rest.