Stages of development of the psyche

When many of us are engaged in some kind of active activity, that is, they do not sit still, so they not only bring new skills or feelings, emotions , etc. into their lives, but also form their inner world. It is through work, communication with people around us that we can observe the stages of development of the psyche.

Achievement of the set goals gives both self-confidence and a clear example of the manifestation of mental health of each of us. Throughout all stages of the development of the psyche, the mental and external actions of the individual with material objects complement each other.

The main stages of development of the psyche

It is worth noting that the main stages of the development of the psyche are born gradually, with the evolutionary improvement of each living being:

  1. The stage of sensation , sensory, is characterized by unconditioned reflexes that are not particularly complicated. The motor apparatus develops, at the same time - touch, hearing, sight, smell, etc.
  2. The stage of perception marks the appearance of a complex nervous system, those parts of it that are forming links between analyzers are being improved. First of all, motor memory appears. Animals acquire the ability to show their own emotions.
  3. Intellectual : the ability to behave intellectually in the event of difficulties on the way to achieving the goals , but such actions, often, are not dominant in behavior.
  4. Stage of psychological and physical formation . There are only people. During this period, the development of the makings of speech, abstract thinking, there is a need for communication with their own kind. It is important to note that the following are the main stages of development of the psyche, which are only in man.
  5. Stage of consciousness . The desire to explore the world in a person's reality, the desire for creative lessons.
  6. The stage of human self-awareness , an integral part of which is the knowledge of one's own "I" through the knowledge of the surrounding people. Development of self-control, self-education.
  7. Stage of social behavior . It is at this stage that the personality of each person reaches perfection.

In the development stages of the human psyche, special importance is given to its role in the society, interaction with it. This suggests that the mental formation is determined not only by biological components (inherent in animals), but also by socio-cultural ones.