Allocations for girls

Allocations from the vagina, leucorrhoea - a phenomenon characteristic of women of different ages, but are such discharges normal in young girls? Let's deal with this issue together.

Allocations for girls - is this normal?

No matter how strange it may seem for mothers, vaginal discharge from newborn girls is normal. Usually such allocation is transparent or whitish. But girls can have bloody or brown discharge about a week after birth. This is because during the intrauterine period, the hormone estrogen has entered the baby's blood from the mother's body, and now the uterus and the vagina of the girl react to his presence. But these discharges are not plentiful and quickly pass.

Also a variant of the norm are transparent or whitish mucous discharge in girls aged 13-15. At this time, intensified production of luteinizing hormone begins, which provokes more abundant discharge in girls. Such discharges usually appear shortly before the onset of the first menstruation.

But there are cases of excess secretions, which are still not considered pathological. In what cases can they appear in the girl? This can be a consequence of stressful situations, a tendency to excess body weight, circulatory insufficiency, allergic dermatoses, atopic conditions, changes in the microflora of the vagina after taking antibiotics, a sharp change in the nature of nutrition, or the girl's contact with the infectious patient. Isolations of this nature are usually clear or white, do not have an unpleasant odor, and pass when eliminating the cause of their cause.

But if the allocation of the girl has a yellow, green or brown color, then it can talk about various diseases. Let's talk more about what causes such allocation can cause.

Causes of excretions in girls

With yellow, purulent discharge in girls, discharge with an admixture of blood and an unpleasant odor, vulvovaginitis can be assumed. It is accompanied by reddening of the skin at the entrance to the vagina. There is this for various reasons, namely:

If such a problem is found, then the following actions should be taken:

If all of the above actions were taken by you, and the allocation does not take place within a week, you need to see a doctor. Appealing to a specialist without delay is necessary if there are suspicions of worms or that an alien object has entered the vagina. Also, you should immediately consult a doctor if the discharge is abundant, thick and have a strong unpleasant smell, because this can indicate the presence of serious infections.