The hormone estradiol is normal in women

Estradiol is another female sex hormone. It is produced by the ovaries in the process of processing male sex hormones in the female. During pregnancy, estradiol is also produced by the placenta. However, the hormone in small concentrations is present in the blood of men. They have it produced by the adrenal cortex. And the same body it is developed and in women, but very little.

Phases of the menstrual cycle and estradiol

The level of estradiol depends on the day of the cycle. In women, estradiol is produced in large quantities in the first half of the cycle. After ovulation it is replaced by the hormone progesterone . In general, estradiol and progesterone constantly replace each other throughout all menstrual cycles.

The hormone estradiol is necessary for a woman for the normal development of the egg. And the output of a mature egg from the follicle occurs only at the peak concentration of estradiol in the blood.

In addition, estradiol stimulates the growth of cells lining the uterine cavity, which is necessary for the subsequent attachment of the embryo. The hormone is also responsible for the regularity of menstruation, in addition, it forms secondary sexual characteristics in women and makes our body so feminine. Estradiol is even able to influence the behavior of a woman. In the period of his violence, a woman becomes much sexier and more attractive.

This is foreseen by nature, because it is during this period that a woman should attract a male to continue the genus. And the peak level of the hormone is at the time of ovulation - the most suitable time for conception.

Following this, the level of the hormone begins to fall gradually, yielding to its weighed and calm progesterone - the hormone of pregnancy. And the truth is - a pregnant woman to face poise and attention to one's health.

If the level of estradiol remains high throughout the cycle, this indicates a malfunction in the female body. Often this is not accompanied by any symptoms, and women are not even aware of the problems. However, there are problems, and they need to be addressed if you want to avoid negative consequences.

The hormone estradiol in women

What is the norm of estradiol in women? What should we strive for and what level should we support? It ranges from 57 to 476 pmol / l. If we take a more detailed look at the phases of the cycle, it looks like this:

And if women have a deviation in the concentration of estradiol from the norm, you need to pay attention to it, since such a state can lead to serious diseases.

It is necessary to be alerted if you have irregular monthly or they are completely absent. In general, any fluctuations in the cycles should be the reason for visiting a specialist. Elevated levels of estradiol may indicate tumors in the ovaries, cysts and liver diseases. Also, the level of the hormone can increase from external causes, for example, with prolonged intake of antibiotics or hormonal drugs.

A high level of estradiol in women can be associated with the use of some contraceptive pills, especially if the woman prescribed them herself without first consulting a gynecologist.

Estradiol in pregnancy

Estradiol already begins to rise early in pregnancy, because there is no atresia of the yellow body. It will rise until the very birth. And after childbirth he is normalized for 3-4 days. The norm of estradiol in pregnancy is from 210 in the first week of pregnancy to 26,960 pmol / l at 39-40 weeks of gestation