Allopurinol - analogues

Allopurinol and its analogs are medicines that are prescribed with increased uric acid in the body - hyperuricemia. The disease often leads to gout. Medication is recommended for patients who can not be controlled solely by diet.

Allopurinol tablets are also prescribed for people who have urate stone disease and nephropathy. It is used for adults and children over 15 years of age who have signs of these diseases against the background of leukemia , as well as for people with congenital enzymatic deficiency.

How to replace Allopurinol with gout?

Structural analogs of Allopurinol:

The main component is oxypurinol, which suppresses the conversion of hypoxanthine to xanthine, and then to uric acid. With the help of drugs, the level of the latter in the urine and the circulatory system decreases. This prevents the accumulation of urate crystals in the body and promotes their resorption. The amount of acid begins to decrease only on the fourth day of taking medication. The maximum effect is achieved after two weeks.

Purinol is also a structural analog of Allopurinol. During the administration of the drug, the synthesis of uric acid decreases, which leads to its decrease in the liquid media of the body. In addition, the already existing urate deposits are dissolved and their re-formation in the kidneys and tissues is prevented. When receiving Purinol, the secretion of xanthine and hypoxanthine in the urine increases. The effect of the drug depends on the prescribed dose.

Contraindications to the use of Allopurinol and its analogues

Allopurinol and its analogs, prescribed for gout , have a number of contraindications, which are manifested in single cases. So, for example, there were patients who developed bradycardia and hypertension. In some cases, there was:

Almost always this was accompanied by:

Less often - a violation of vision and taste buds, neuropathy, cataracts, depression and coma.

During the treatment, patients who had an allergic reaction in the form of skin rash, hyperemia, pruritus, fever and fever were also observed. In some cases, people developed furunculosis and discolored hair.

If necessary, experts recommend taking only Allopurinol, and if you need to replace it with something, you should only apply to quality analogues. Otherwise, it can negatively affect the work of the liver and the whole organism as a whole.