Indoor chrysanthemum

When the leaves fall from the trees and the cold autumn rain is knocking on the windows, most of all you want to give yourself a small holiday. And strangely enough, for this you do not need to spend a lot of money or make a noisy dinner - just get a pot of room chrysanthemum , which just in early autumn in large quantities begin to sell in flower shops and just on the streets.

How to care for a room chrysanthemum?

So, a flower pot with a lushly flowering chrysanthemum finally took an honorable place on the windowsill. What to do next? How to properly care for a blossoming beauty, so that she would enjoy blooming not only in the year of purchase, but also for a long time after that? It turns out that this is not at all difficult - chrysanthemums refer to those happy houseplants that do not require any complex care, nor any special conditions of detention. For their well-being, it is sufficient to observe the following non-complex rules:

  1. To place a room chrysanthemum is necessary in well-lit, but at the same time protected from direct sunlight places. The ideal place for a pot with chrysanthemum will be western or eastern windows or balconies.
  2. Since the chrysanthemum is still a garden plant, for normal functioning it needs a sufficient amount of water. This does not mean that you need to arrange a real swamp in a pot of chrysanthemum - you can water it only when the top layer of the earth dries enough. But while watering must necessarily be regular and abundant. Do not forget about spraying - regular "soul" from the spray will go to this plant only to the benefit.
  3. Best room chrysanthemum will feel at a temperature about +23 degrees in summer, +15 degrees in autumn and + 5 degrees in winter. But do not worry if the conditions in the apartment are far from the standard. Chrysanthemum tolerates even significant temperature fluctuations, provided there is sufficient fresh air and regular watering.
  4. Indoor chrysanthemum refers to plants of short daylight, and it blooms only when the sun shines 8 or less hours. Therefore, flowers appear on it in autumn or early spring. But if the flowering in autumn for chrysanthemum is absolutely natural, then in order to receive the buds in the spring, it is necessary to exert some efforts: pinch, feed and pritenit in time.