Flax oil for weight loss - good and bad

Flaxseed oil has many useful properties that help women to be healthier, more attractive and thinner! Especially you should be interested in the last item, because we are now hinting that fat intake helps to lose weight.

The multifaceted benefits of flax seed oil for weight loss and possible harm are described below.

Metabolism and flaxseed oil

Flaxseed oil is a source of omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, as well as vitamin E. This - vegetable fat, which helps reduce the content of bad cholesterol in the blood, as well as accelerate the metabolism, including lipid metabolism.

Vegetable oils, first of all, help us maintain a normal level of hormones. Women, women with diets, often have cycle disorders, excessive malaise during PMS, decreased sexual activity, and depression. All this suggests that the body lacks components for the synthesis of hormones.

But these hormones also affect our weight - a bad synthesis of female sex hormones leads to a slowdown in metabolism. That is why, the properties of flax oil are useful for weight loss, and for the overall normalization of metabolism.

Another useful property of linseed oil for weight loss is the protection from the effect of the "plateau". "Plateau" comes at a time when the body during a diet understands that there is a famine and you need to carefully consume calories in order to save as much fat as possible. That is, sitting on a diet, you do not lose weight, but on the contrary, generate.

Create an enabling environment for weight loss help omega fats - that is, flaxseed oil.

Another problem of losing weight is stretching. If you have to lose a lot of extra pounds, take care of your skin beforehand - linseed oil helps to strengthen skin regeneration. So, it will narrow down gradually, just like your body volume. And this applies to women during pregnancy - because of weight gain, many get stretch marks. It would not have happened if at one time, they would have taken capsules of flaxseed oil.

Flaxseed oil during a diet

Let's see how the flax oil works for weight loss when you are on a diet:

  1. Power and aerobic training - an indispensable companion of losing weight. On a diet, your power capabilities are very limited, and excessive zeal to train can turn into a trauma. Flaxseed oil helps regenerate cartilaginous tissue and accelerates the growth of new muscle fibers.
  2. Lose weight until "darkening" - if it's about you, adding just 20 g of flaxseed oil a day, you will lose the syndrome of the "driven horse". 20 g of vegetable oil helps to support mental activity, encourage and maintain metabolism .

How to use?

Flaxseed oil should be drunk to 1 tsp. in the morning on an empty stomach, washed down with warm water. Water should be at room temperature, hot water will deprive the whole use of oil.

Having started, make sure that you have reduced the consumption of other fats - nuts, seeds, oils for dressing salads, fatty meat, etc.

Despite the benefits of flax oil for weight loss, he also has contraindications: