How do you know - the acidity of the stomach is increased or decreased?

The acidity of the gastric juice depends on the concentration of hydrochloric acid (HCl) contained in it. In the normal state, the pH of the gastric juice is 1.5-2.5, that is, it is a strong acid medium, which is necessary for normal digestion of food, as well as neutralization of bacteria and viruses entering the stomach. An abnormal level of gastric acidity, both increased and decreased, is most often a sign of a disease like gastritis.

Symptoms of increased and decreased acidity of the stomach

With increased acidity, it is usually observed:

With reduced acidity, the following can occur:

How to distinguish the increased acidity of the stomach from a decreased?

It is possible to find out whether stomach acidity is increased or decreased only by endoscopic examination, since the main symptoms (pain and discomfort in the stomach, eructation, etc.) are similar in both cases and can be of a general nature.

But there are a number of signs on the basis of which it is possible to reasonably assume a particular diagnosis. Consider, as you can understand, there is an increased or decreased acidity of the stomach:

  1. With increased acidity, heartburn and stomach pain often occur on an empty stomach and weaken after eating. Also, heartburn can occur or sharply increase with the use of fresh juices, spicy foods, fatty meat, smoked products, marinades, coffee.
  2. With reduced acidity, heartburn is extremely rare, and a feeling of heaviness and dull pain in the stomach occur after eating. Fresh fruits and vegetables are well perceived by the body, whereas flour products, yeast pastries and foods high in starch intensify discomfort.
  3. With reduced acidity, due to the appearance in the stomach of a favorable environment for pathogenic bacteria, the intoxication of the organism and metabolic disturbances gradually develop. There may be anemia , acne, increased dryness of the skin, brittle nails and hair, a tendency to allergic reactions.