Fibroadenoma of the breast and pregnancy

The breast of a woman is a multifunctional organ that is responsible not only for the aesthetic appearance, but also for the full-fledged feeding of the newborn baby. Unfortunately, the mammary glands are very sensitive to the negative effects of external factors and internal malfunctions in the body. That is why breast diseases are the first in the list by their number and number among women of all age groups. Most often, young, nulliparous and pregnancy-planning girls under the age of 30 meet, so-called, fibroadenoma of the breast.

Fibroadenoma is a benign formation that has a spherical shape, a dense consistence. In this case, other clinical manifestations, except for the palpation of the elastic and mobile node, patients are not observed. Unambiguous reasons preceding the appearance of the tumor are not fully understood. However, it is established that fibroadenoma is dependent on the hormonal background of a woman, and in particular, on the level of estrogen. This explains the appearance of seals in the periods of hormonal changes, one of which is pregnancy.

Fibroadenoma during pregnancy

Regardless of when the fibroadenoma appeared: during pregnancy or before it, there are two options for the development of events. At the same time, both of them are scientifically grounded and have a lot of examples in practice.

In the first case, an urgent removal of fibroadenoma is assumed, since, according to some experts, this phenomenon and pregnancy are incompatible. By the way hormonal changes associated with the restructuring of the body and its preparation for bearing and giving birth to a child can provoke active growth of the tumor. Especially it concerns seals, which in size exceed 1 cm and mature formations with a dense capsule that do not have the property of being absorbed.

There is also an opposite opinion, whose supporters suggest that the presence of breast fibroadenoma during pregnancy, with its normal course, can not have negative consequences. Conversely, the subsequent prolonged breastfeeding, with an appropriate hormonal background, affects the compaction in the best way and promotes its resorption. The chances of self-extinction of the tumor increase at times, if the education is immature, and the woman continues to breast-feed for 1.5-2 years.

The fibroadenoma does not influence the condition and development of the fetus.