March 25 - Day of the Worker of Culture

Someone asked himself the question: how did the concept of "culture" appear in human life? We can show a storm of emotions, listening to a spiritual song, performing on the stage of an artist, or watching the performance of an actor playing a role so realistic that the skin "goosebumps"? It is culture that distinguishes man from animal, it develops our inner world and helps to realize not only material but also spiritual needs.

Since our life without culture today is simply unimaginable to honor the outstanding and talented people of our country, the Day of Workers of Culture and Art was established. Thanks to this holiday people are beginning to understand how important is the contribution of specialists in the field of cinema, theater, music, painting, etc. to us. in the development of our creative skills and the way of everyday life.

History of the Day

Preserved from the time of primitive society, rock paintings, and today can tell us about many stories from the lives of our distant ancestors. Proceeding from this, it can be said that culture in our world appeared much earlier than we learned to write , read and speak.

In Latin, the word "culture" means: "upbringing," "reverence," "farming." All these features are peculiar to man and are associated with acquired throughout life skills, skills and knowledge. For the first time the word "culture" was mentioned in the works of the German historian and lawyer Samuel Pufendorf. In the Russian language, it fell only in the 30s of the 19th century, and denoted "education" or "farming".

In 2007, August 27, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the establishment of the Day of Cultural Workers. The initiator of the whole action was the Minister of Culture of Russia at the time Alexander Sokolov, he said that holding such an event is a must for the cultural world of the state. Before that, there existed in Russian cities: Day of Monument Protection, Day of Press, Cinema Day, Theater Day, Museum Day, Day of Libraries. Therefore, the establishment of the Day of Cultural Workers with the date of the celebration on March 25 allowed all representatives of the country's culture to unite into one.

Today, workers of theaters, film studios, book publishers, libraries, museums, houses of culture, rural and urban clubs, media, sports and tourism, as well as specialists in show business, celebrate their professional holiday. Their work really gives a person a lot. Going to the theater, cinema, art gallery, traveling abroad, reading a book at leisure, listening to music, etc. as nothing else helps a person to better understand himself, inspires him to work and makes important decisions in his life, gives spiritual food, helps to relax, gets a lot of pleasure after seeing, heard or read.

Thanks to such a holiday as the Day of the Worker of Culture, on March 25 - once a year, we remember those who create beauty in our world, give people a piece of their soul, help them to find peace and look at the world differently.

Events for the Day of Cultural Workers

Celebrate this holiday beautifully and ingeniously, concerts are organized with the participation of pop stars, cinemas and theaters, organize creative evenings directly with the participation of the perpetrators of the celebration.

If someone in your family is associated with a creative cultural profession, it is better to pick up some original greeting and an equally original gift. After all, all people of creativity are unique in nature and deserve to be pleasantly surprised at least once a year for the holiday to the Day of Cultural Workers.