Is it possible to have apricots during breastfeeding?

Quite often mothers during lactation think about whether it is possible to eat apricots during breastfeeding. As you know, not all foods, vegetables and fruits are allowed to women in this time period. Let's look at this fruit and give a detailed answer to the question.

What can be useful apricots?

Due to its rich composition, this juicy, bright fruit has a positive effect on the work of various human organs and systems.

So, potassium, contained in the apricot, stimulates the cardiovascular system, and at the same time contributes to the strengthening of the nervous system.

Such trace elements as phosphorus and magnesium promote the activation of brain structures, improve brain function and memory. The iron present in the composition improves blood formation, and iodine improves the thyroid gland.

Among the vitamins that are present in apricots, you can call: A, P, C, Group B.

Is it possible for mother to eat apricots while breastfeeding?

It is worth noting that the doctors give a positive answer to this question. However, at the same time they pay attention to the rules of using apricots.

The thing is that this fruit can provoke the development of a baby's colic, which are always accompanied by cramping pains, which causes anxiety and crying in the crumbs.

To avoid such situations, it is not recommended to use apricots when the baby is not yet 3 months old. Only after he reaches the specified age, the mother can gradually introduce into her diet apricot.

In this case, start with a half, a maximum of 1 pc. Having eaten them in the morning, it is necessary during the day to observe the reaction from the small organism. If rashes, redness on the skin is not present, the mother can periodically use apricots. However, in order not to cause allergies, do not eat them much - 3-5 fruits a day will be enough.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, when breastfeeding, it is possible to eat apricots, but it is mandatory to take into account the nuances described above. In addition, only ripe fruits should be eaten. Best if they are grown in their own garden. In this case, the mother will be able to protect the health of her baby and her own from the negative impact of chemical fertilizers, which often treat apricots when grown on a production scale.