Grandmother's tea for nursing mothers

As you know, breastfeeding is extremely important for the growing body of a newborn baby. Careful and loving mothers aspire as long as possible to preserve their milk, so that the crumb received the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals, so necessary at his age. Of course, today in stores you can buy a lot of different adapted mixtures for feeding babies, but they are all too far in composition from real mother's milk.

A child who is on natural feeding, quickly gaining weight and is much less likely to catch a cold than an artificial person. Finally, with the mother's milk, the body receives antibodies, which can protect it from such serious diseases as measles or chicken pox.

Unfortunately, not all mothers can fully feed their baby. Most of them after a while start different problems, and the milk begins to be missed. Some doctors in this situation are advised to supplement the child with a mixture, but it is more appropriate in this case to stimulate lactation in order to increase the amount of allocated breast milk. One of the most famous means for stimulating lactation is the tea for nursing mothers "Babushkino Lukshko", about which we will tell you in this article.

What is the use of tea for nursing mothers "Grandma's basket"?

The composition of tea for nursing mothers "Babushkino Lukshko" includes natural plants that have long been used as natural stimulants of lactation - cumin, clover and lemon balm. In addition, these herbs have an antispasmodic and mild soothing effect, so that the young mother will feel relaxed and rested.

One of the varieties of tea for nursing "Grandma's bowl" contains the fruit of the dog rose - a natural source of vitamins, which helps maintain immunity and helps to cope with seasonal colds.

Another kind of drink can help not only mom, but also the baby. The presence in its composition of anise has a beneficial effect on the digestive system of the baby and reduces the likelihood of intestinal colic and meteorism.

On the Internet, you can find completely opposite feedback on the benefits of this drink. Some women note the inflow of milk after its regular use, while others, on the contrary, did not notice any effect. In any case, if you have problems with natural lactation, try to buy tea for nursing mothers "Grandma's bag". Its cost in children's stores is about 1.5 US dollars, which means that it will not break a hole in your budget. In any case, you will receive a source of natural vitamins, which can not harm neither you nor your baby.