How to cook ginger with honey and lemon?

Healthy foods are many, but sometimes people find such combinations of them, which repeatedly supplement and reinforce each other. It is to such useful tools include a mixture of ginger with honey and lemon, and how to cook it prompt dieticians.

How useful is ginger with lemon and honey?

Even separately, honey, lemon and ginger are very rich in vitamins and active substances products. Honey is an effective natural antiseptic, restorative and tonic. Ginger - warms, cleanses blood, treats skin diseases, stimulates metabolic processes, improves memory. Lemon - contains a shock dose of vitamins, acids, minerals and fiber.

A mixture of ginger, lemon and honey is useful for both immunity and the treatment of certain diseases. Most often this remedy is used to relieve the symptoms of colds, flu and sore throats. The curative mixture strengthens the protective functions of the body and reflects the attacks of viruses and bacteria, knocking down heat, eliminating sore throat and muscles, facilitating breathing, relieving inflammation. In addition, the remedy for ginger, honey and lemon helps with cardiac and cardiovascular problems, kidney, liver and gallbladder diseases.

Indispensable mixture of ginger, lemon and honey and for weight loss. This product has the strongest thermal effect and accelerates the metabolic processes, so that fatty deposits burn faster. In addition, the vitamin blend is excellent in strength, so training after taking the remedy will be more durable and effective.

But a mixture of ginger with lemon and honey, there are contraindications. Do not use it to people with risk of bleeding, gastritis, open stomach ulcers, hypertension. With caution, the drug can be used by pregnant women and individuals prone to an allergic reaction.

How to make ginger with lemon and honey?

Recipes for a mixture of ginger with honey and lemon, there are many, for slimming and immunity you can use any - all of them are quite effective. When losing excess weight, one should not be afraid of adding honey to the remedy - the overclocked metabolism will very quickly spend the received carbohydrates and they will not grow fat.

To prepare a healing mixture, take 400 g fresh ginger root, 4 lemons and 200 g honey. The root of ginger should be cleaned and cut, the lemon - cut into slices, without cleaning. These ingredients are ground in a blender or meat grinder, and then mixed with honey. Next, the product should be put up for a week in a glass container with a tight lid. Take a mixture of ginger, honey and lemon in the morning - a tablespoon for half an hour before breakfast, washed down with cool water.

Excellent effect for weight loss and health enhancement has a drink of ginger, honey and lemon. It is prepared in a slightly different way: one root of the ginger needs to be cleaned, finely chopped through a meat grinder together with a lemon (with a peel). This vitamin mixture for 1 tablespoon pour a glass of boiling water and leave until cooling. After that, a teaspoon of honey is added to the drink and drink. Honey in this drink is added strictly after cooling, so that it does not lose useful qualities.

To ensure that the mixture and drink based on the medicinal properties of ginger, honey and lemon have the maximum efficiency, the ingredients should be selected correctly. The root of the ginger should be juicy and fresh, the lemon - light yellow, with intact thin skin. Honey for a healing agent is better to buy from trusted sellers or in specialized stores. It is desirable that this beekeeping product is liquid, and in winter such remains only acacia honey, all other varieties begin to crystallize in the fall.