Male alcoholic: what to do to a woman - advice of a psychologist

Alcoholism is a disease that turns the life of a patient and his loved ones into a nightmare. For this situation, even there is a special term - codependence. What to do to a woman, if her husband is an alcoholic, will advise the advice of a psychologist.

Tips of a psychologist how to live with a husband an alcoholic

If a woman, despite the addiction, continues to love her husband, she continues to live with him no matter what. In this case, the wife should try to help her husband overcome the ailment.

Examples of healing alcoholism are not uncommon, someone is helped by sincere belief, another is a psychologist, the third is medications and various "coding". The method in any case should be selected individually. However, it should be noted that psychological assistance is necessary for the woman herself, since life in eternal fear and stress exhausts both physically and morally.

But while the husband drinks, the woman should observe certain rules:

What you can not do to the wife of a drinking husband:

To help her husband, it is necessary to identify the causes of alcoholism. This can be a genetic predisposition, a strong stress associated with death, dismissal, treason. The wife needs to try to understand what exactly gives her husband alcohol - liberates, lets forget problems, attracts attention to him. To make a husband "tied up" with a drink, you need to use all the ways and arguments: to explain what harm alcohol does to the body, to show visually (taking off on video) how disgustingly drunk, ask for help from relatives and friends.

But if nothing helps, a man drinks and "dissolves his hands," a woman can have only one problem: how to get away from her husband - an alcoholic and a tyrant - without loss, preserving physical and mental health. And if such a decision is made, it must be implemented without delay and regret, ensuring safety for themselves and children.