Cherry "Iput"

Summer time is loved for the abundance of various fruits. Special love uses a round elastic cherry with a unique taste. It is also valued for its useful composition: besides vitamins B1, C, PP, A, B2 it contains pectins, iodine, iron and ascorbic acid. Now in the wide expanses of the country various kinds of this culture grow. Sorts of a tree set, we'll talk about the cherry Iput.

Cherry "Iput" - description of the variety

This cherry was bred by breeders of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute in Bryansk for cultivation in the central strip of Russia. With proper care, the tree quickly reaches an average height. And its crown, usually densely layered with leaves, acquires a wide-pyramidal shape. The leaves of the cherry variety "Iput" are large and have a slightly elongated appearance. Being dark green and ovate, they have a strongly pointed apex and a rounded base.

Characteristics of sweet cherry "Iput" will be incomplete without a detailed description of the fruits. They develop after the flowering in May of large white inflorescences, in which three or four flowers gather. Hence the peculiarity of fruiting of this variety: mature cherries are located in small groups - small bouquets. Therefore, harvesting is quite convenient. The fruits themselves have a heart-shaped form with a blunt bottom and a rounded apex. At the time of ripening, the berries acquire a dark red color, which eventually approaches black.

Juicy fruits of "Iput" type are medium in size, the mass is reached in the range of 5-10 g. The taste of this sweet cherry is very sweet. When you eat it, you feel a delicious flesh of medium density. Enjoying ripe berries can not only be fresh. They produce excellent juices, jams , compotes and jams.

The merits of the variety include:

Unfortunately, the cherry variety "Iput" has a number of shortcomings, namely:

Cherry "Iput" - planting and care

Like any other fruit tree, cherry enjoys harvest with sufficient care. The optimal climatic conditions that suit the "Iput" variety are the middle lane of Russia, where frosty, but snowy winters are in winter, and the summertime is not arid. The seedlings are planted either in early spring, when the buds have not yet blossomed, or in the autumn before frost. For the cultivation of sweet cherry "Iput" choose a sunny area with a fertile and loose ground. It is suitable for loamy and sandy loamy soils, most importantly, that groundwater does not pass through the site. Stagnant water is harmful to cherries.

Since the variety is self-fertile, pollinators should be planted near the cherry "Iput". As such, Ovstuzhenka, Tyutchevka, Revna, Bryansk pink, Raditsa are suitable.

While the sapling adapts to the new place, it must be watered in late May, after the flowering, the second time - in June and the third - in July. From time to time cherries "Iput" will have to be fed: in early spring - potassium sulfate and urea, after flowering - organic fertilizers, in summer, after fruiting, superphosphate.

In addition to systematic watering and fertilizing with fertilizers, caring for the cherry "Iput" assumes the obligatory pruning of shoots. The fact is that this tree has shoots and branches growing quite rapidly. That is why every year in the early spring the variety "Iput" should be cut, thus forming the crown. In an adult tree, you need to trim the branches that thicken the crown.