Apple blossoms - fighting with it

One of the main pests in our gardens is the apple blossom - a grayish-brown beetle up to 5 mm in size. Contrary to its name, this insect can do great harm not only to apple trees, but also to pears. Let's find out how to deal with the apple-colored weevil-colorod.

How to deal with the apple blossom?

The main means against the apple blossom and the measures to combat it are as follows:

When using insecticides it is advisable to alternate the preparations annually, so that there is no getting used to this or that remedy.

When to start fighting with the flowerhead?

Timeliness is very important in the fight against the apple blossom. Start spraying should not be later than the first buds in the trees in your garden begin to swell and blossom. As soon as the ambient temperature rises to +6 ... +8 ° С and snow falls, you can go out to fight the pest. Otherwise, if the females are already laid eggs in the kidneys, you will only have to fight with newly emerging bugs, and this is ineffective and late. Tsvetoed is capable of destroying all flowers on undersized apple trees, and then you will not be able to wait for the harvest.

In general, it is recommended to spray against tsvetoed twice in the spring - before the swelling of the kidneys and during this process. As a rule, preparations from apple blossoms are applied with a two-week break.

And that the flowerhead does not appear on apples, every season, carry out prophylaxis: collect and burn fallen leaves, diseased branches, and the ground under the trees must be dug up.