Kanye West begging from Mark Zuckerberg

Mental health of the spouse Kim Kardashian raises serious concerns. Recently, the rapper never offended Taylor Swift, singing about her offensive song, and then declaring that she herself asked him about it. Now he complained of huge debts and asked the founder of Facebook to help him financially.

Revelations of the musician

Yesterday, on Valentine's Day, subscribers of Kanye on Twitter were waiting for him from him original love confessions addressed to his wife, but instead Kanye wrote that he had 53 million debts and asked the followers to pray for him.

Scream of a wounded soul

Then the events developed as follows. The rapper found a solution to his problems, saying that Mark Zuckerberg, could invest a billion dollars in his projects, realizing that he is the greatest artist of all time.

The musician asked his followers to distribute these messages on the Internet in order to learn about the plight of his "pet" Mark.

As arguments, West called himself "Disney of this generation", making the world better. Next followed a series of similar tweets ...

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Drinking or hacking

The messages on Kanye's page aroused suspicions about hacking his page, but after a while, Kanye's one-sided correspondence continued on Facebook. He confused the date of Zuckerberg's birthday (believing that he was born on February 14, although in fact it happened on March 14) and asked him despite his busyness to call him.

Maybe it's not about hackers writing from a star account. The rapper could quite drink a little extra or arrange an outrageous trick on the mood.