
One of the most amazing architectural monuments of Peru is the Kauachi. This impressive archaeological complex, located next to the famous Nazi geoglyphs , once was the largest ceremonial and pilgrimage center.

History of the complex

According to scientists, the archaeological monument of Kauachi existed and functioned approximately in the IV centuries of our era. It was discovered in the 80s of the last century. His excavation and study involved two of the largest archaeologist, Giuseppe Orefechi and Helen Silverman. The latter even wrote a book about this, called "Cahuachi in the Ancient Nasca World".

Scientists believe that in the period from 450 BC to 300 AD, Kauachi was the largest South American religious and pilgrimage center. It is even called "pre-colonial Vatican". Evidence of this is the presence of giant images (geoglyphs) in the Nazca desert, which depict a monkey, condor and killer whale. Some researchers are still arguing about whether the Nazca drawings are related to the Kauachi pyramids. But many converge in one: the archaeological monument of Kauachi is the last stage of the existence of the Nazca culture.

The decline of the functioning of the ceremonial center of Kauachi came before the arrival of the Spanish colonists in Latin America. The Nazca culture itself was absorbed by the Huari Indians, who also partially destroyed the Kauachi complex itself and some other historical buildings.

Uniqueness of Cahuachi

To date, more than four dozen burial mounds have been found on the territory of the archaeological site of Kauachi. The most interesting are the following monuments:

Due to the low level of humidity all the finds have been preserved in excellent condition. For example, in a necropolis located near Kauachi, untouched graves were found with well-preserved decorations, dishes and fabrics. Currently, the remains of these remains are the Archaeological Museum in Naska.

The territory of Kauachi is 24 square meters. km, so it is likely that archaeologists here will find many interesting monuments. Some of them believe that the current finds are only 1% of the once-existing pilgrimage center.

In its entire history, the monument to the Cauachi was raided by Indians, Spanish conquistadors and natural disasters. According to some researchers, due to the constant temperature drops, the complex needs serious restoration. But the greatest danger for Kauachi is represented by robbers, or "black archaeologists", who are illegally excavating and reselling the exhibits in private collections.

How to get there?

The Archaeological Monument of Kauachi is located near the cities of Ica , Huancayo and Cuzco . There is no asphalt road to it, but there is a safe enough grader. To reach Kauachi it is possible by public transport or by a taxi, the trip on which makes on the average 85 salts ($ 25).