Cucumbers with citric acid for the winter - the best recipes for delicious home preservation

Most housewives are confident that cucumbers with citric acid for the winter - the most tested and optimal option for harvesting. This has its own truth: a popular food additive gives a brine transparency, vegetables - a gentle sour taste and crunchiness, and, being an excellent preservative, increases the shelf life of home supplies.

How to salt cucumbers with citric acid?

Pickling cucumbers with citric acid is done in two ways. The first assumes two-fold filling with boiling water without sterilization, and therefore citric acid is added directly to the jar with cucumbers. Another method is based on cooking the marinade with citric acid, after which the cucumbers are poured with this boiling brine and sterilized.

  1. Mistresses who decided to make tasty and useful cucumbers with citric acid instead of vinegar, should adhere to certain proportions. Traditionally, a teaspoon of citric acid is put on 1 liter of water.
  2. Even taking into account the fact that cucumbers with citric acid for winter are perfectly stored and at room temperature, for greater reliability it is better to transfer the workpieces to the cold.
  3. Often, as a condiment used dill, garlic and black pepper. For crunchiness, you can add cherry leaves and horseradish root.

Cucumber pickled with citric acid without sterilization

Cucumbers with citric acid without sterilization are one of the most popular ways of preserving. This technology eliminates the long pastime in the kitchen, does not require special skills in canning and guarantees the receipt of high-quality workpiece, preserving the freshness, fragrance and taste of summer.



  1. Put spices and cucumbers in a jar.
  2. Pour boiling water and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Drain the water in a saucepan, add salt and sugar, boil for 2 minutes.
  4. Put citric acid in the jar, pour in the brine and roll the cucumbers with citric acid for the winter.

Lightly salted cucumbers for the winter with citric acid

Most housewives treat the household with lightly salted cucumbers at the height of the season, but not everyone knows that if you cook lightly salted cucumbers with citric acid, then the preservation will keep the July freshness and crunch throughout the winter. You just need to put cucumbers in a special pickle, leave "wander" and, changing the marinade, roll up.



  1. Add salt to the boiling water to taste and "lemon".
  2. Pour the cucumbers and spices with brine and set aside for 3 days.
  3. Brine the strainer, add sugar and cook.
  4. Pour the salted cucumbers with citric acid for the winter with a new brine.

Pickled cucumbers with citric acid and mustard

Preserving cucumbers with citric acid and mustard is never obsolete. This combination is an absolutely harmless preservative, increasing the shelf life of the billet and preserving the contents of the can of the most natural, fragrant, tender and attractive, adding a spicy crunch, bitterness and sharpness.



  1. Cucumbers and spices are spread over cans.
  2. Pour boiling water and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Drain the water, and in a saucepan, add salt to taste and sugar. Cook.
  4. In each jar, add mustard, lemon and fill with marinade.

Sweet cucumbers with citric acid

Sweet marinated cucumbers with citric acid have many admirers. Although this taste combination will seem strange to many, the preparation is spicy and memorable. For its preparation it is required only to observe the balance between salt, citric acid and sugar, substantially increasing the amount of the latter.



  1. Put in a jar of cucumbers, dill, garlic.
  2. Prepare a marinade for cucumbers with citric acid, adding salt to taste in boiling water and sugar.
  3. Pour cucumbers sweet with citric acid for the winter with brine and sterilize for 15 minutes.

Cucumbers in Bulgarian with citric acid

Preservation of cucumbers with citric acid - internationally. You can recall mouth-watering jars with vegetables of Bulgarian origin, the taste and aroma of which were repeated by our hostesses, completely recreating the foreign recipe. The secret of canning was a special marinade, "strong" cucumber and double-pouring technology.



  1. Pour the cucumbers, carrots and dill 1.2 liters of boiling water.
  2. Leave it for 20 minutes.
  3. Cook the brine from 1.2 liters of water, salt, sugar and lemon.
  4. Drain the water, pour in a fresh marinade.

Pickling cucumbers with aspirin and citric acid

Those who wish to get a good preservation can get cucumbers with aspirin and citric acid. This pair of components, dissolved by water, forms a highly concentrated acidic medium, which prevents the emergence of bacteria, and on the fact that provides quality long-term storage.



  1. Put all ingredients in the jar.
  2. Fill the workpiece with boiling water and roll it.

Cucumbers with lemon and citric acid

Only true gourmets can appreciate the recipe of cucumbers with lemon and citric acid. Appetizing circles of lemon enhance the flavoring properties of the marinade, fill the preservation with delicate taste, citrus fragrance, add elegance and eliminate the abundance of spices added to the preparation for "breaking" unpleasant odors.



  1. Cucumbers and slices of lemon pour boiling water.
  2. After 15 minutes, drain the water, cook marinade from salt, sugar and lemon.
  3. Pour into a jar and roll it.

Pickling cucumbers with vodka and citric acid

Marinated cucumbers with vodka and citric acid are cooked by the housewives relatively recently, but have already gained popularity. The thing is that vodka contains alcohol, which effectively stops the fermentation process, does not allow the workpiece to deteriorate, mold, and citric acid only strengthens such characteristics.



  1. Cucumbers and greens pour boiling water for 15 minutes.
  2. Boil the boiling water, add salt and sugar and cook for 2 minutes.
  3. Put in a jar of citric acid, pour in vodka, marinade and roll.

Cucumbers and tomatoes with citric acid

Pickling cucumbers and tomatoes with citric acid is a convenient and quick way to diversify the range of conservation. The combination of cucumbers and tomatoes in one bank saves storage space and the number of cans, and is very convenient in serving, as it allows everyone to take a vending vegetable. In addition, such an assortment can be served both at banquets and at a casual dinner.



  1. Cucumbers and tomatoes pour boiling water.
  2. After 5 minutes, drain the water, bring to a boil and refill in the jar.
  3. After 10 minutes, drain the water, add salt, sugar, spices and citric acid, cook, and pour into the jar.