Boiled roll of fat in the package

Homemade meat preparations are an ideal opportunity to practice in their culinary skills, and as a bonus, they also get an amazing healthy snack on the way out. Of course, the recipe, which we will discuss later, can hardly be called healthy, yet it is a question of fat, but natural - certainly. On how to cook a boiled roll of fat at once in several ways, we'll talk further.

Roll from boiled bacon with garlic

Let's start with the Ukrainian classics - boiled pork with garlic, fragrant and extremely delicate. All the preparatory work will take no more than 10 minutes, and cooking does not require your participation.



If you get a piece of unprocessed fat, you will first have to clean the skin with a knife, and then rinse thoroughly. Cleaned the pork layer carefully rubbed with a mixture of ground peppers and large sea salt. We take a good bunch of dill and cut it into practically a dust. We also do the same with purified garlic, the last one should be a lot, you want to get a fragrant roll on the way out? To the mixture of greens and garlic, add the dried laurel leaves grated in the mortar and distribute the ingredients over the surface of the fat. Fold the fat and fix it with a thread or skewers. We put the roll in a bag and immerse it in a pot of boiling water. The cooked loaf of pork fat is prepared for about 2 hours, after it is removed, left until completely cooled and only then removed from the bag and tasted.

Asian recipe for boiled meat loaf roll

If you thought that the recipes of cooked pork rolls from pork fat - the possession of only European cuisine, then we hasten to disappoint you: Asians love to cook a sub-cherry in fragrant broths and serve sliced ​​with hot broths or noodles. Shall we try?



We roll the pork into a roll and fix it. We put the roll in a bag. On the stove put a pot of water, the amount of which should be enough to cover the meat. When the water comes to a boil, the heat is subtracted and poured in soy sauce, add sugar, garlic, ginger , mirin and sake. We prepare a boiled roll of fat with a meat layer in the package for 2 hours, try after it has cooled.