Ketoconazole - shampoo

Shampoo for dandruff should reduce the number of fungi on the scalp, inhibit cell division, prevent the increase in their size, remove already formed scales, prevent their new appearance, and reduce the production of sebum.

With such complex tasks, ordinary shampoos, albeit highly advertised, can not cope. Here you need medicines with an active antifungal agent. For example, such a substance is ketoconazole. There are a lot of shampoos on its basis, which gives hope for a positive outcome of therapy.

Shampoos containing ketoconazole

Most often you can find shampoos with 1-2% active ingredient. Ketoconazole in the shampoo eliminates the very cause of dandruff, so that unpleasant symptoms, such as itching, dandruff, seborrhea, go away without a trace. Hair and scalp become healthy again.

List of shampoos with ketoconazole:

Consider these antifungal shampoos based on ketoconazole in more detail.

Anti-dandruff shampoo Ketoconazole Zn2 +

The name of the agent repeats the name of the active substance, it possesses valuable properties that disrupt the synthesis of phospholipids of the thyroglycerides, without which the formation and reproduction of the fungus becomes impossible. The kind of shampoo is not much different from the store - it has a viscous structure, a reddish-orange color and a pleasant perfume aroma. Duration of treatment and the frequency of application is determined individually, depending on the degree of neglect and skin condition.

Shampoo with ketoconazole and zinc Keto-plus

Another shampoo appeared on sale relatively recently, but has already established itself as an excellent remedy for the fungus of the scalp. In its composition, in addition to ketoconazole is zinc pyrithione, together these substances perfectly eliminate the cause of the disease and its symptoms - itching, scaling of the scalp. Zinc pyrithione is endowed with antiproliferative properties, that is, it normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, and the action of ketoconazole is directed directly at combating fungal infection. The course of treatment with this shampoo usually lasts about a month, provided the shampoo is applied twice a week.

Shampoo for dandruff with ketoconazole Mikozoral

Prepparat with the most democratic price (cheaper than analogues twice) also perfectly eliminates itching and flaking, as well as other symptoms of the fungus of the scalp. The substances included in its composition do not allow the reproduction of bacteria, with regular use it normalizes the production of fat. Apply it 2-3 times a week for a month.

Shampoo Nizoral

Quite a known shampoo based on ketoconazole, which is on hearing - Nizoral . Has a viscous consistency of red-orange color with a specific smell. Perfectly copes with the causes and manifestations of the fungus of the scalp. Nizoral has contraindications - pregnancy, breastfeeding, sensitivity to the components.

Sebozol Shampoo

Another wonderful dandruff shampoo based on ketoconazole. It is enough to use it twice a week. It is not contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 1 year, which distinguishes it from other analogues.

How to use an antifungal shampoo - general recommendations

Shampoo is applied to the affected areas of the head, it is not necessary to rinse immediately, it is advisable to hold for 5 minutes, if not, at least 3 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with running water.

If you have dandruff or seborrheic eczema , apply the drug 2 times a week for at least a month. If the case is more neglected, for example, it is coarse lichen, shampoo should be used every day for 5 days.